All et al, With 3,500kms -- 2,170 miles -- on my awd-e, I'm happy that the fuel economy keeps getting better, so far; twice now I've got 3.2L/100kms -- 73.5 usmpg -- on the same 59.4 mile trip to get my son after work. Given the spreadsheet I've kept so far, that is about a real 70-71mpg. By the spreadsheet, my average from new is 4.2L/100kms (56 us mpg). Love this car
ohh damn... I cant ge tunder 5.5 on my prius lmao, think my computer has been reading the info wrong cause the purge valve censor havent been functioning tho... Until now lol. Best ive gotten in my moms 2016 auris hybrid is like 3.9, so thats stupidly good, especially to be a AWD (yes i know the rear wheels only operate in low speeds)
The trip to get my son is a bit of a 'perfect storm' for a hybrid; I get 3.5-3.9 head back, depending on weather. Heavy, northwest rain with standing water takes its toll on the mileage.
WOW, that is a great mileage even for non-AWD Prius. More impressive you got that number on AWD-e. Keep up great work!
WOW - I've never quite got down that low for that sort of distance (on screen) - but - my average is the same as yours at 4.2 over 42,000km (calculated). Typical 80% motorway/20% suburban driving:
(interesting, the editor cuts off the first word) congrats on the awesome numbers. I am wondering what "3.5-3.9 head back" means, and also, what do you consider a perfect storm? On my LE AWD-e, my current overall avg. (after 450 mi.) is 51.5 mpg (us). When I first started thinking about mpg, I was at 47.5. So, trying to gradually pull up the average. The mpg numbers claimed in vehicle specs are higher for city than for highway, as I recall. I feel like the best-case is when I go up into the hills, then down again - somehow the return descent more than compensates for the climb. Recently, had a trip on flattish roads going out (E) and back (W) on a constant gentle slope (common here on the plains on east side of the Rockies), and had 67 mpg outbound, 61 mpg inbound, which was awesome for me. Those were mostly "country" or "semi-highway" style roads with occasional stoplights where speeds are around 50-60 so I think that might be favorable (rather than true highway speeds at 75 mph or so).
Oh I think I figured out why the word "hi" is not permitted. That's " h i ". It's because it's the middle two letters of " * h i * ".
I'm pretty sure that's a couple of liters per 100 kms values. Way back when I figured out if you divide those numbers into 235.2 you get mpg. If you then divide the mpg into 235.2 you're back where you started. Long story short, "3.5~3.9" translates to 67~60 mpg.
I'm damn tickled that on my seventh tank I averaged a 'by the math' 3.9L/100kms (60.31 us mpg); I wonder how much better it's going to get Today getting my son, it was 29C (84F), and I used the a/c for the first time, as Canadians tend to melt easily. My average for the round trip was 3.6/100 on the dash, so about a real 3.8 (65.3 us mpg), which surprised me, as I had the a/c on for about 3/4 of the drive. I'm not sure why the fuelly sigs aren't reflecting my last two tanks.
6,264kms, the 9th tank through my new awd Prius, and my second consecutive tank at 3.9L/100kms -- 60.7us mpg -- by the spreadsheet, not the dash readout I'm quite tickled. Not sure if the fuelly banners below have caught up even though I've updated the app.
I can't get out of the basement with my 3rd gen: last tank was 5.4, and the tank before was 5.9. Not sure what's going on. The suspects: And the mpg stats: Suspect #1: I really don't think it's the software update, see how it was down to 4.7, well after. Maybe just a "person of interest". Suspect #2: And my money's mostly on this one: the brand-new Michelin Primacy MXM4 215/45R17, but that's quite a hit. And they've got the Green-X badge on the sidewall fur chrisakes... Anyway, maybe new tires, softer tread, more squirm, who knows. Suspect #3: When I did the oil change: I put in the spec'd amount, then checked it day later, decided it was low, added a fair bit more. Check a week or two later and it's about 1/4" OVER the full mark. So OCD chap that I am, I crawled under, unscrewed the drain bolt and trickled about 10~11 oz out. I had to stop when my arms started shaking too much, gotta get a dipstick extraction syringe, it's too tough doing that. Anyway, now the oil is about 1/8" below the full mark, right where I like it. Hopefully with a tank a tank or two more, the tires will scrub in a bit, the lowered oil level will help, who knows. That last tank at 5.4 is grudgingly better, but that was hard fought.
I can't see that "1/4" OVER the full mark" is going to be a problem. Better than too low. I've had most workshops overfill the sump by a significant amount, factory dealers - never had a problem. I just had a look at mine, almost due for service and it's a couple of millimetres over. But FORD and MITSUBISHI, would often be 20mm over. Possibly because the TOYOTA oil is much more expensive? A couple of cars which used oil, I was quite happy to have it overfilled, longer before I'd have to top it up.
I've been told to never over-fill the engine with oil, as it can cause too-high pressure in the engine, and damage seals. I know from experience that over-filling a vw diesel causes running problems. The Prius manual states: "To prevent serious engine damage Check the oil level on a regular basis. ●Avoid overfilling, or the engine could be damaged." What they mean by "overfilling" isn't stated, but they do show anything over the top dot on the dipstick being "excessive".
Mendel, my car came with 195/65x15" Bridgestone eco tires; even though yours are the same diameter, do you think the extra width and less sidewall uses more fuel? I've never known how much that's a factor, even if the pressure is the same.
We got pretty good mpg with the 215/45R17 Michelin Pilots, the OEM's. Yeah the wider, heavier tires and rim impose some penalty, but these new tires appear to be pushing down the "mpg" significantly more. I'm not gonna lose sleep over it, hopefully they will "break in" and improve. I drained about 10~11 oz engine oil and that brought the level slightly below top mark, but still displayed mileage seems to bottom out around 5.0. 4.9 if really diligent. This time last year, would be seeing displayed around 4.4. Really not a lot of miles on them yet though. I've swapped to new tires in the past on another vehicle (Bridgestone Ecopia EP20 195/65R15), seen mpg not skip a beat, so not too impressed with Michelin right now. Will see how it goes. Other than the mpg hit they're very smooth riding, good feel.