Hi all, I have an rx400h 2006, and although I don't have any issues with it yet, I am prempting them like my prius. I can't seem to find any information or youtube videos in regards to removing, disassembling of the battery. I am looking to buy some equipment to recondition it so I jusr want to be prepared. Does anyone have any info? Thanks
Check out Hybrid Automotive and they may have some tutorials on installs of their harness for an RX. Otherwise the repair manual will have information on what you are looking for.
That's the equipment I was going to buy as I have the equipment fo the prius. It was more the disassembling of the battery I was after, and the lexus books won't have that.
For the RX, they easily don't have much issues with their batteries, as compared to Prius. I have and still work on such vehicles; though, their removal procedures, are similar. Here's an example of how the battery looks like.
Disassembly, is almost same. 1. Disconnect the 12V battery -ve terminal, before removing the service plug, located by the side of the rear seat behind the driver. 2. Use 14mm socket wretches to removed all the rear middle seats, in order to create access to the battery. 3. After removing the seats, the battery casings would be exposed for you. 4. You'd see two red safety screws by the right side of the battery pan(steel sheet). Use the service plug to unscrew the safety screws gradually to removed them. 5. Use 10mm and 12mm socket wrenches to loosened all the bolts on the metal casing. 6. Removed the casing. This would exposed the battery modules in three compartments. One behind the driver seat has 12modules of 9.6V open voltages, and the other behind the front passenger seat has same number of modules (12). The middle pack has 6 modules. 7. Disconnect all the wire harnesses connecting HV blower, the bateerry ECU, and all other harnesses connected to the modules. Hope this helps you though.
Awesome thanks for the replies. How do you identifity the block numbers from those pictures? Eg the prius is block 14 starting at ecu end. I know the 400h has 3 "packs" how you you number them if you were to identify a bad cell when scanning live data? Cheers
You start the numbering from the back behind the driver seat(that's the left one, if you were facing the car from the hatch). That's basically, what you'd do. I hope you do know that the numbering while on live data would be interpreted in BLOCKS, not modules? You'd be the one to determine which module is bad in a block by physical voltage tests, and following the numbering I talked about(start numbering the modules from the battery pack behind the driver seat).
The issue I tend to see in customers' rx 400s are water infiltration. Something about how the water proofing was done leads to water getting trapped in that area.
Ah OK, and did you find a common area where water seeps in, I know the prius has an issue along the runner seem where the roof meets the rear quarter, a little silicone and jobs done.