Greetings! New user here, but I've used several helpful tips in the last few months after buying an 08 Prius from some friends for a decent-ish price. Currently my ABS VSC and (!) brake lights are on. I took the car to the dealer today for an inspection and they recommended full replacement of the ABS actuator. They didn't actually give me any codes until I marched in there and specifically asked for them (which as a woman I find particularly obnoxious), but, Codes are: C1241, C1391, C0205, C0200 Which of these codes are related to the ABS system and do I need to look at a total ABS actuator replacement? Used actuators run around $300, and since I'm just looking to have the car last another 6 months, I'm okay with taking the risk on used parts and DIY repair (my dad has decades of car mechanic experience, but he's new to hybrid vehicles, so we'll take it slow). Dealer quote was $2395.00 for repair which is 3/4 what I paid for the car (3K). 08 Prius with just shy of 215,000.00 miles. (I bought with 208k). Any advice would be really appreciated! Please explain in some detail since I'm new to this car and the way it operates.
Welcome to PriusChat!! If you paid for the codes, you should be given the codes Here is the workup for DTCs C0200 and C0205 : Here is the workup for DTCs C1241 and C1242 : Here is the workup for DTC C1391 : You can get a rebuilt ABS unit for around $700 with a limited lifetime warranty, which given the amount of labor involved might be a good idea. Please report back here with any updates
I wouldn't say that any of those codes, offhand, says "replace the brake actuator" to me. ... though it could turn out to be at the tail end of the workup procedures for them, if the more likely causes are first ruled out.
Thought I would post an update here. My dad replaced the ABS actuator with one that I bought online for cheap (350) with a 6mo warranty. Car is running fine (at least the brakes anyway).
Could you please share where you bought the ABS actuator? Or how to search for one? I have the same set of lights came on. Car is driving normal as before. Only symptom I noticed is sometimes when I first start the car and try to back up from the garage, the brake feel a bit loose until I release and push pedal again. Also, how easy or how long did it take to replace the brake actuator? Did that make the lights to go away? Thank you for your input. Much appreciated.
I bought mine through a listing on Ebay. I will try to find the part # and post soon. I had it shipped to my Dad's house. As for the installation, it took him a few days, but I think that's because of his work schedule. It was an intensive job, but my car ran fine afterwards (and still does!). My Dad did have to bleed the brake lines afterwards, but he didn't do it with any computer software, just bled the brakes like a usual car. I reset the lights by unplugging the 12v. battery and plugging it back in. Definitely not safe to drive your car in the condition it's in right now. You could have a brake failure or your brakes could lock up and you could be in serious trouble. Sorry I can't give more detailed information about the actual repair.
Its ill advised to bleed the Prius brakes w/o Techstream. Here is why: WITH Techstream, the software will talk to the car and direct which valves to open/close, to properly isolate the line (FR/FL/RR/RL). Also, you will need Techstream to recalibrate the brake system, so the vehicle knows what the new parameters are. WITHOUT Techstream, it is a major PITA to properly bleed. Why go through that misery, knowingly. Techstream is the OFFICIAL diagnostic and maintenance software made for Toyota/Lexus, and used at Toyota/Lexus dealerships. Bluetooth OBD2 readers and all the various apps for smartphones/tablets are junk: LIMITED code reading ability (can't read ALL codes) and can NOT do any maintenance (bleed brakes, engine compression check, activate CHRS pump, etc). Why waste money on a toy that limits what you can read and can't do maintenance? Get mini VCI w/ Techstream from Amazon ($25+). Doesn't matter who you buy from, as the cables likely come from the same one or two suppliers from panda land. May have to return/buy a few, as some cables have problems. Installation easiest on a Windows 32bit OS (XP, Vista, 7). Ask friends/family if they know someone in IT, as this person will likely have obsolete laptops laying around, and might be able to donate for free. B/C the software is hacked, recommended to install on a spare laptop; do not use this laptop for sensitive information (log in & passwords: email, bill payments, etc). This laptop is now your Toyota/Lexus diagnostic laptop. Mac install possible, you just need to search online. Should you stop driving a Toyota/Lexus, you can easily sell your Techstream laptop set-up.