36.5 this morning indicates for none A/C use. Usually around 32 for full charge. I have no clear idea what causes the variable. And as many have noted, the lack of a miles drive on battery generated by Prime is not helpful or rational.
yes. unfortunately, there is no clear answer to your problem, as you can see by others who have posted similar. if you give us more details, we can take some educated guesses, but no one knows for sure except toyota, and they aren't talking.
Yep, like stated above, there's no clear answer to your problem. The computer tries to take a guess at it, but it's a guess at best, and if you change your driving habits; the calculation changes. Rob43
The computer is guessing based on past history. The only way to know if it's accurate is to drive until you run out of EV and see how many miles you went.
Mine increased from 25 to 30 miles, I don't know that it was related to the warming weather or the car figured out I am anal about saving fuel of either type.
Lucky you! Mine still have not reached back to 30 miles EV range on the GOM. The morning temperature still hovering around freezing mark, my A/C ratio is still too high. Today was 27.4 miles. A few more weeks, I hope.
A/C ratio??? Mine is pretty much always 0%. But then I do (most of the time) have the advantage of waiting until the temp has risen some for the day before I drive anywhere. The GOM said 30.8 this afternoon, it was 41°F and raining. I did "precondition" the car while it was plugged in, then turned off the climate system when I started out. Made 2 stops, didn't need gloves today but did have my winter coat on.
I leave my home at 6 am and our morning temp is still below freezing. Just for the morning commute 18 miles, I use up most of the EV range. The afternoon temp is getting mild and I have no heat or AC on, but not enough EV range left to get back home.
Perhaps if you ran part of the morning run on HV, you can use the engine where it is efficient, and reserve the EV capacity for the rest of the trip.
Yeah, that's exactly what I do during winter months. Since at our morning temp, the heat pump is not strong enough, ICE comes on most of the morning commute no matter what I do. For those days, I usually drive HV in the morning, and keep the cabin warm, and save all EV range for the commute back home. I can certainly do the same thing all year long, but switching between HV and EV makes impossible to record the actual miles driven on EV. For now, I am recording spring EV drive ranges by using all the battery capacity until it runs out and taking note of distance it runs until HV comes on.