Hey guys a few questions about the state of my hv battery. 1. My eml has illuminated a few times with the red triangle of death. My car is usable still, it just charges and discharges quickly. Here is a screen shot of my cells. Looking at the lowest value, would you recommend the change the pair of cells for block 5? 2. Are the cells numbered starting at number 1 from the ecu end? I will then plan to use the prolong charger and discharge to rebalance the pack. Thanks
Images didn't come through for me (are they hosted on FB?). Answer to #2 : The opposite is true for Gen2. How many miles do you have now?
So you are saying block 1 is furthest away from the ecu? I have 136k but had a reconditioned battery fitted about 1.5years ago.
That’s the problem. You can change bad cells every few months or put in a new battery and drive it another 10-15 years. Reconditioning is very very temporary.
So I have pulled one bad cell from my pack. My bus bars are quite corroded with surface rust. Once I have cleaned them and rebuilt it, could I put a thin coat of grease over them? Would it effect voltage readings?
Yeah, if previous person cleaned them it could have that much corrosion. How much did this Used battery cost? Yes looks like you need to deal with block 5. Looks like this is from a Gen 2 Prius (2004-2009), so #1 is farthest from computer. Please use a torque wrench when tightening the module nuts as well as the nuts on the High Voltage leads. Not using the proper tools is kinda lazy and can cause a fair amount of damage. Seriously. Get the right tool. It's not that expensive.
It cost nearly £400 from from eastern Europeans so they probably did a a shitty job. But doing the job, I have discovered a water leak from the rear piller dripping down into the battery tray, so the excess moisture probly hasn't helped. I colleague at work who is an electrician, said I could coat them in vasaline as it is inert. Would this be OK?
Sorry to revive this thread. I repaired the dodgy block 5, only one cell out of the pair was crap and it was bulging out of the sides. I cleaned the bus bars, but after a few months I have a similar problem again, every now and then my battery level drops from full to empty in seconds the relays click and the engine management light comes on. The car still drives fine and eventually the battery will start to charge up again but I have to reset the light. Could you check my screen shot of the cells as I cannot see a bad one that sticks out.