Most of the posts are very old for touch up paint links. Need updated intel on where to get touch up paint with clear coat. Blue Crush Metallic is my Prius Color.
My dealer sent me a coupon for a bottle of free touch up paint for my birthday. I guess that's not a standard practice?
Funny - I read something like this recently: When a little child is 3, they say "I'm 3, going on 4". When they're 49, they're "in my mid 40s" When they reach 91, they're "going on for 100". Other times, we prefer to go backwards.
Dupli-Color is a good alternative. Up here dealerships sell these "applicators" with a blunt pen-style tip, kinda hard to use. I prefer the (Dupli-Color) brush style now. Comes with an abrasive tip too, for prep. With applicators having color and clear, be cautious with the clear. I found, even days after applying the color, when I applied clear it would lift the previous color coat. Just gave up on using clear. Classic Silver Metallic (1F7) is a perfect match for the silver rims, btw. I would think ditto for silver wheel covers.
for future reference - there are automotive paint shops that can custom mix formulas for you. Paint codes are cataloged. Larger quantities bring the price down, especially if you need to spray entire surfacea such as a door handle or side view mirror or even bigger parts. Down side is - even the "exact-same-thing" paint can appear different. You buy a black plastic panel, & the primer differs? OCD paint folk notice once it's installed. Exception is black - sure wish it wasn't so easily noticed to be dirty ... .
It worked quite well. My bottle is blue but same packaging as the above link (amazon). It came from a dealer in Indiana. $12.10 plus tax and free shipping. The only problem is the thickness of the paint. The sunlight refracts the blue crush paint under certain conditions and angles. My solution has been to apply an even thickness to reduce the effect.