So, not to stomp the point into the ground, but a serious injury last year has put me in the unaccustomed "position" of spending a lot of time on my back (hmmm, might want to rephrase that for this forum, but I trust you guys...sorta). Anyway, even if I don't post, even if I do. Even if it is a stupid "oil/tranny/tire post" this place has helped to keep me somewhat "sane" over the past few months. Nothing like lying in bed at 3 a.m. wondering if you can make it the next four hours. Seems strange to say about a car forum, but there is a real sense of community here. I hope that this continues -- even with Danny's unresponsive nature (could not resist the kick). For me, it has been quite a comfort. Thanks to you all. And, hopefully I will be back to back-biting quickly. All seriousness aside, improvements seem to be coming much more quickly lately, so I am a bit of a more happy hopper. kris
Sanity is a relative term, but healing from any major injury is as much mental as it is physical. Three cheers for toughing it out! Keep up the good work. And you know I can't resist those entendres, so I have to say there's way more fun to be had than just laying on your back.
glad to hear there is slow improvement chris. i've often wondered what i would do with myself if i were laid up. i guess i can stop wondering. all the best!
Glad you're improving, Kris. There's nothing that gets your attention like excruciating pain said they guy with a titanium plate and 9 screws run all the way through his arm bone. I can identify somewhat. Thankfully, my pain didn't last as long as yours and I hope yours eases off soon. We're all pulling for ya!
You just gave me a flashback to helping my dad install a new ROM in his Apple II so it could do both upper and lower case. Suddenly the shift key mattered. @cyberpriusII hang in there! It's important to keep the rest of yourself in shape while you heal. Good to stay connected and conversant however you can manage it!
Having been through two total hip replacements over the course of 6 years (the second to replace the first that failed), I've endured some recovery time too. Pushing through it and working hard to overcome are the only choices in my mind. Now that I've fully recovered, Friedrich Nietzsche's phrase, "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" feels appropriate to quote. Keep up the good work, and best wishes towards a full recovery.
I have a friend who's retired Marine Force Recon. He said that pain is just weakness leaving your body. Having been shot twice, I guess he speaks from experience.
"Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker" might be a little harder to belt. But I guess you could do it, to the same tune....
I agree this feels like community. I was glad see the implication in another thread that your pregnancy ended well. This place feels much more like family than some other forums I visit. I even feel embarrassed when I tell people to avoid the PriusChat Shop due to the bad service. It is a black eye on Danny, but also the PriusChat community s a whole, IMHO. Please give your body a chance to heal and to not push too hard. I know chronic issues can really alter things. My wife has had chronic migraines for years (brain damage from H1N1?) and, even after visiting the Neurology head at a major university, the only treatment is to treat the symptoms.