This just burns me up to read this, so I thought I would share. The idea is not to offend anyone, but rather educate the public. The Chocolate statments were made by Mr. Nagin live on tv.. Do you remember New Orleans' 'Katrina Mayor, Ray Nagin'? He's the one that tried to teach 1,200 buses to swim while his citizen's drowned? Once again, he has demonstrated his ability to deal with hard realities. According to The New Orleans Times Picayune there were 50,000 vehicles ruined in Katrina and abandoned by their owners. The largest auto crusher east of the Rockies, K&L Auto Crushers of Tyler, Texas'offered to pay the City of New Orleans $100.00 per vehicle . . . an estimated $5 million net to the city. They agreed to bring in 5 to 10 portable crushers, work six days per week, and complete the job in 15 weeks. Of course, Mayor Nagin knew better how to do the job, and refused the offer saying the city would do the job themselves. It seems that now it will cost the City $23 million to complete the job. The vehicles are still there today instead of being cleaned out five months ago. Now, lets see if I have this correct. By doing it J&L's way the City of New Orleans would net $5 million. Doing it Mayor Nagin's way costs the city $23 million for a net cost to the City of New Orleans of $28,000,000. This is the same mayor that wants the United States Taxpayers to give $50 billion to New Orleans and let him rebuild a "Chocolate City" his way WITHOUT any oversight or any control. Did you read this correctly, ladies and gentlemen? He wants $50 BILLION of your money to rebuild the City of New Orleans . . . HIS CHOCOLATE WAY!!! You do know that he is going to give YOU, THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER' credit for your donations to the City . . . even if you are not CHOCOLATE!!! Brit Hume reported this on Fox News.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(triphop @ Aug 30 2006, 05:16 PM) [snapback]311770[/snapback]</div> Mmmmm, I wouldnt mind a Chocolate city.. It could be a place for Chocolate lovers to unite and eat chocolate!
$310,000,000,000 spent so far in Iraq. I'd much rather my tax dollars go to New Orleans, no matter what flavor it is.
I thought it was all those right wing republicans that believed in the federal government handing out the money but the local area controlliing what to do with it.
Brit Hume reported this on Fox News. Who is still watching fox news? Please view "Outfoxed", then watch fox news for yourself, but from an educated pov. You'll be laughing at first, then crying when you realize that other people watch it and still take it seriously. The last time I quickly flipped past it, I saw "ARMAGEDDON" splashed across the screen. That should tell you something, even without watching the documentary. You might also want to view Spike Lee's 4 hour documentary on New Orleans. It's difficult to sit through and I've only seen the last half so far, but will eventually see all of it. I feel very fortunate for the city of LA that Clinton was president during our 1994 quake and the aftermath. Very fortunate indeed.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Aug 30 2006, 07:20 PM) [snapback]311838[/snapback]</div> I like the Faux news channel they give a different view, it sure beats the communist news network. Yeah the statment is old I had to throw the disclaimer in there due to people getting easly offended here on PC, :blink: :huh: :mellow: I figured you of all people would like the idea of a chocolate city Godiva... :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Aug 30 2006, 02:02 PM) [snapback]311764[/snapback]</div> Good post! Yeah that guy is some piece of work. Has he done anything to rebuild NOLA? Speaking of the chocolate statement and others from the left. . . Remember this topic . . . I love it when the left leaning media foists such double standards and then the Left calls Fox (Fair and Balanced) News biased. What arrogant hubris. [attachmentid=4716]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tomdeimos @ Aug 30 2006, 02:45 PM) [snapback]311783[/snapback]</div> Not when the local area is rife with corrupt lefties. [attachmentid=4721] <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Lottetrouble @ Aug 30 2006, 02:48 PM) [snapback]311786[/snapback]</div> OMG! BaHaHaHahahahahahahaaaaaaaa you think Spike Lee's documentary is accurate! He puts forth the conspiracy theory that white men bombed the levee's to get rid of the "Chocolates" what a farce. [attachmentid=4722] p.s. Did you hear Nagin's remarks the other day when he was asked why the clean-up was taking so long? He said something to the effect of "So what NYC has a hole in the ground it hasn't filled in five years."
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Dragonfly @ Aug 30 2006, 05:36 PM) [snapback]311777[/snapback]</div> At least Iraqi's have a measurable IQ, a welfare rate below 20%, and unemployment rate less than 30%, less corruption, vote for leaders with a little common sense not to mention higher cortical functioning, and a chance for a brighter tomorrow. and iraq has oil we can buy. every $ spent on new orleans is a total waste. they should abandon certain parts of that city, rebuild what they will and let everyone their know that they are now on their own. no need to waste taxpayer money again on a loooosing battle - especially if you believe in global warming and raising sea levels. that money could be better spent elsewhere - like the war on islamofascism.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Aug 30 2006, 09:19 PM) [snapback]311943[/snapback]</div> You know, until just now, I respected you even though I disagreed with you. No more.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Aug 30 2006, 07:19 PM) [snapback]311943[/snapback]</div> I do believe you have some points here that merit a look. Dragonfly recognizes this and flees the field of debate because the irrefutable supposition put forth has overcome his knee-jerk talking point style. So let's take a couple of points and see where they lead. . . 1) Far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong, the rebuilding of the levee's in NOLA are to the same standard as before i.e. Force 3 hurricane. Does that make sense to anyone? 2) Already the spending there has approached $150,000 per/household and the place is still a wreck. Local leadership is in charge so what is going on? There we have two good points worth discussing. . . take it away ya mottle rabble. . . Wheeeeeee. [attachmentid=4730] [attachmentid=4731]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Aug 30 2006, 09:19 PM) [snapback]311901[/snapback]</div> Ya know it just pulls my chain to see a lefty make clearly racist remarks and only recieve a flutter of hands. But you get a righty to say Chocolate city and he will be chased down by the liberal media, beaten & belittled into some type of submission or else recieve a public hanging so to speak (like some of the posters here on PC) (8-balled) and would never work in politics again.. This is great stuff, Dragonfly: You know, until just now, I respected you even though I disagreed with you. No more. Well fine Im just going to pick up my toys and go play over here, since you don't wanna play my way.! does anyone else see that in the above statment? If all my friends were Liberals I wouldn't need enemies, :blink:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Aug 30 2006, 11:06 PM) [snapback]311965[/snapback]</div> Comparing the cost of the War on Terror in Iraq to the rebuilding of NO is specious - break it down per person and you will see the bargain we have in Iraq with its 25,000,000+ people vs a few hundred thousand in NO and its a slam dunk - and we have much better long term potential in Iraq than NO. At least in Iraq corruption and stupidity have a chance of being done away with. There is no way to protect against a category 5 storm - even if funding were unlimited. And if we did undertake that effort and understood that it not a one time expense but an annuity - we would have to ensure that the leadership in NO and LA had enough common sense to lead its people when disaster strikes. This proviso alone is impossible down there seeing how they voted Nagrin (aka, clueless) in again - jeez are the rumors of the average IQ down there true?? The guy was a total bust - the antithesis of Rudy up here in NYC. It is better to surrender to the sea what would be hardest to protect, protect the higher ground and tell those there that they are responsible for themselves - I cannot see this country coming to their aid with hundreds of billions of $'s to repair and replace NO again and again. Imagine if we put all that money into alternate energy research of maybe even kept it in the bank and kept the national debt smaller :lol: So all you lefty libs complaining of the national deficit who want to keep rebuilding NO - sit down. And dont worry about dragonfly - eventually reality will settle in and the wheat and chaff can be separated even by creatures big and small
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Aug 31 2006, 04:57 AM) [snapback]312079[/snapback]</div> I. . I. . I'm not specious! I'm special! and speaking of something special . . . [attachmentid=4746]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Dragonfly @ Aug 30 2006, 05:36 PM) [snapback]311777[/snapback]</div> Amen. Mayor Knucklehead may be a dipstick and the people of New Orleans may be even dumber than he is but the amount of money to rebuild New Orleans (that would be spent much more domestically and on employing many Americans) pales in comparison to the huge amount of money spent on making Bush and his friends richer than god even if they do wrap it in the American flag and some vague war on terror. What was that figure, that the Bush family alone will have made over a billion dollars from W being in office for eight years waging his little war
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(JackDodge @ Aug 31 2006, 02:13 PM) [snapback]312286[/snapback]</div> How much has been spent on New Orleans my friend to date? How much more spending is planned? How much will be spent on upkeep? How much has clinton(s) made so far? they were not even millionaires going into their Presidency. Vague war on terror - come on down to my hood and repeat that out loud - you can go to the numerous grave sites, the fire house down the block from my office (9 firemen killed), you can go down to that hole in the ground (mayor nagrin's own words - the stupidest person in office since marion barely alive) downtown from my office, you can visit the widows and their kids too if you want, ... to them there is nothing vague about this war on terror. you can even visit the family members of the 6 that were killed in 1993 in WTC I. How about the Jewish victims of terror in Seatle from last month - visit them? Go to Israel - knock yourself out - Kiryat Shmona could use a hand rebuilding from the hundreds of rockets that fell on them; mind you that there were no military targets there - just innocent civilians. Vague war on terror - you are proving to be their most effective weapon -- for our enemies unfortunately. Seeing evil as good and good as evil. Denial of the obvious. A facilitator. You also support Iran getting nukes too?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Aug 31 2006, 05:10 AM) [snapback]312064[/snapback]</div> I wasn't talking to you pg4.