Hello, PriusChat, long time no see. I was an early member here, after buying one of the first 2012 Prius c in my area. Haven't been around much in recent years, but have still been cruising around in my favorite little car--now with a little one in the back seat. Yesterday a brand new teen driver turned left in front of me when I had the right of way. Everyone is okay. Haven't heard from the adjuster yet, but I see no way the car isn't totaled. I always got a sick thrill out of seeing other wrecked Prius c's, so here's mine. Big thanks to Toyota for keeping me and my kiddo safe. My airbags deployed; he barely felt anything in his rear-facing car seat. I'm gonna miss this car. Might look at getting a regular Prius next. Stay safe out there.
Sorry to hear about the wreck, glad to hear you all made it out okay. Looks like your c took that hit like a champ!
I'm glad you're both OK! That looks like quite a jolt. If no one already told you at the scene, it's a good idea to get checked at the hospital to make sure there isn't anything wrong that doesn't hurt yet.
very sorry for the accident, glad everyone is okay. if you don't mind, let us know how the insurance claim process goes.
Very common for the new drivers they turn without making sure 100%. They need to have a class just on that before issuing license. That car is done! To fix that properly it would cost at least 10g!
Thanks everyone for your kind words! Got the official word from State Farm today that it is indeed totaled. They are offering us $10,348, which is the highest end of the KBB private party value for the car, so we're very happy with it. It'll make a nice down payment for whatever comes next. Off to lurk the Prius and Prius Prime forums for research.
Prime! Prime! Prime!Prime! Seriously, in spite of some small annoyances (what car doesn't have some of those?), it's fantastic.
If considering a Prime, here's something to ponder: Rebates and that $$$ from the insurance will make this very affordable for you .
Bear in mind that the Prius line is most likely going to be discontinued very soon (at least that seems to be the direction they're heading). They're great cars and you'll probably never have to deal with anything from it. I just know that some people don't like cars that aren't manufactured any longer.
Well, some people are making that claim. And people have been saying similar stuff about Apple for years and years. To put it more accurately, there are pundits who predict that Toyota will soon drop the Prius line. And that is a possibility. But remember that pundits are usually wrong.
That's fair. But it just seems like they're making the moves to eliminate it as a "name" only kind of thing. I wouldn't be surprised if they came out with the Camry "Prime" here soon. This would eliminate all of the "Prius" backlash and still basically be the same car.
Now that they have a Corolla with a Prius drive train and apparently the same economy numbers, there are lots of possibilities. At least with the Prime, they are moving away somewhat from the distinctly "Prius shape" that seems to annoy the irrational. It must be interesting trying to come up with a wind tunnel friendly design that also shows some pleasant creative expression.
I think if they had made this gen of car the exact same and called it the Corolla Prime, it would have received a lot better reception. At this point it feels like people just have a general distaste for the name. I tell people I drive a Prius and their first thought is to laugh. Then I show them how "cool" my PC is and they're like, wait... this is a Prius? It's probably the same type of misconception that people have about BMW drivers being bad.