Hi all, I am going to drive to the Bay Area next weekend from L.A. I would like to take the 101 instead of the 5, as it is a much nicer drive. Is there a way to have the navigator route us using the 101 instead of the 5? I did test it out and it wanted us to take the 5. I guess it will re-route once we get going on the 101 even if I can't set it. Or at least I hope it will. Thanks, Jeff
You basically know the system. It will reroute you once on 101.. and then you can just continue your trip. I took 5. I'm not sure which one is better. I guess it's all about personal preference. I got 43mpg going 70 on 5.. post what you get on 101.. i'm curious. When you type in an address to the nav, it gives the options of selecting a route. One will take you along 101.. 1 along 5.. and i think 1 may take you along 1... i'll have to check my nav. or, you could tell it to avoid 5. I know there is way to do it. I have not needed it, so i don't know it yet. Anyone have input on this? Have fun on your trip. Last weekend i went from home ( san jose ) down to redondo beach. During the weekend we drove over 100 miles down their. The car is too much fun. :mrgreen:
Is 5 an interstate and 101 a hwy? If so you can go into preferences and tell it to avoid freeways. Also, you can program in intermediate destinations that lay along the 101 making it the only logical route.
After setting your destination, choose the route that is closest to your desired route. Then from the map screen choose the route button and choose "Preferred Roads" -- choose Highway 101.
I'm planning on making this same drive relatively soon after moving to LA, and I was wondering how long it would take. I've done the mapquest and everything, but realsticly, how long of a drive is it?
Same experiance here. 5 takes 6 hours. I went from San Jose to Redondo beach. Even if you speed, traffic will make you take about 6 hours. I jumped off the 405 and took city streets. It was pretty backed up that day.
Hi gang! We are back from our marathon drive to Northern California. We had to go there this morning, and then back again tonight. It's a long story... The navigator did great. Got us right to our final destination in Capitola. I wasn't able to figure out how to change to route to the 101. but once we got going for a while it adjusted. The trip to Capitola was about 350 miles and took 6 hours, with two bathroom stops. The car ran perfectly. Averaged 49 mpg on the way and 53 on the way back. I would guess the elevation is the cause for the difference. Cruise control on a long trip like this is incredible. After 12 hours in the car, I really feel pretty good. All in all, a very pleasant day. Jeff
what a drive! Wow, Jeff! Capitola in 1 day and back again! Yikes. My family is in Los Gatos so I have made a similar drive before, indeed. One of my favorite restaurants is in Capitola - Shadowbrook.