So I took on the task of the full EGR cleanse and it’s still not done. First the manifold was cleaned, and I was like OK no big deal let’s knock out the EGR and cooler. I had previously cleaned out the EGR pipe and it wasn’t that clogged. Wow was the cooler tough to get out. The two bolts on the back of the cooler were so corroded they almost snapped off and rounded out due to being rotted. I didn’t have a ratcheted box end so had to do it all by hand small quarter turns. I was lucky to get both bolts off, and then moved to the studs. After successfully getting one out, I DROPPED the second stud. I have no clue where it went, dropped the shield underneath, fished with magnet and nothing. Does anyone know where I can possibly get a replacement if that is even possible? I attached a photo of the part. Will the dealer even carry individual bolts or will I have to buy whole assembly? On a side note my EGR cooler was almost blocked 100%, no carb cleaner would even intitally pass through. No doubt in my mind this was a bomb waiting to go off. Soaked it overnight in OXY so we will see today.
You can buy them online, but that’ll take longer than you probably want. It’s down there somewhere, so what I’d do (if not already done) would be to remove the splash shield and have a better look around. It usually will hang up on the cross member that’s just behind the cooler. Don’t ask how I know . I have several spares remaining if it gets to that point, but a junk yard could be just as effective . Sounds like you have found value in doing this job. Don’t forget a pressure washer if the deposits aren’t breaking up.
I’ve spent a few hours and no luck with the cover removed...could you point me to where I would buy them online? I have another vehicle, so if I need to wait few days so be it. I also need the two nuts that go on the studs. Thanks for the info and help!!
Toyota parts deal will have them. You can also go to the local toyota dealer and they should be able to help. I’d get a bright light and root around a bit more. It’s there and you’ll find it. But maybe based on the rust, you might not want to.
See it on this page: EXHAUST GAS RECIRCULATION SYSTEM. For 2010 Toyota Prius Hatchback HYBRID | Toyota (The above site seems best, when you're looking for fasteners, small parts in particular.) Part number is: 90126-08052 You could order from one of the links there. Or at my go-to site, they're $0.92 (USD) apiece: Toyota Online Parts | Genuine Toyota parts | Toyota Parts Online product search | Toyota Parts Or, and this could be most expeditious: phone local dealership and get price and eta for that part. If you don't have a pressure washer, I would try filling the cooler (one end plugged) with (tap water) hot, saturated solution of powdered OxiClean (laundry aid). Use a thin gauge wire as needed to help get the solution in. Soak for about an hour, drain, flush with hot tap water, repeat. It'll take mutliple cycles, and the drain water will run cleaner as you go.
Thanks guys, ordered the parts at the dealer and they will be in Tuesday. Ordered extra nut and stud just in case lol. Thanks for the pressure washer tip. I tried multiple soaks of oxyclean and was brown every rinse but could still not even see a bit of light after overnight soak. Used my electric pressure washer and bam wow was there still a TON of filth in there. I can see straight through now and it’s shiny again. I’m getting OCD with it and prob going to follow up with one last night of an oxy soak. I can’t believe I wasn’t throwing a code with how blocked it was. Nothing would pass through. I did have a little lower than average MPG compared to others. Will be interesting to see my results now after the cleanse. With 127,000 currently, I can only imagine my head gasket would have exploded somewhere around 160,000-170,000.
Glad the pressure washer did the trick . Probably saved yourself some additional headaches later on too. As Hannibal Smith said: I love it when a plan comes together. Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend and good luck with reassembly.
Funny story since you mention reassembly. My Dad thankfully is still able to help me in his early 70s. We start taking it apart and I insist on going step by step using the nutz and bolts video. My Dad says “forget about the video let’s just get working and take the hoses off.” We get into it deeper and he says “holy cow with all this crap attached to it, what does the video say?” Then we had to take turns on the bolts behind the cooler because of the corresion and they almost rounded off. Plus no ratcheting box end...Reassembly going to be great!!!
Maybe good to hit them with some penetrant spray. I'm really starting to think about one of those little battery powered electrical impact right-angle ratchets. Addendum: seems they're still a bit anemic. Meh, made it this far without power or air tools.
Should have used oven cleaner. It will eat the carbon. Pressure washer is a good idea though. I had already cleaned mine when I thought about my pressure washer. But my cooler wasn't really clogged. The spare one I have is about the same. So when it gets close to the time of cleaning the system I'll oven cleaner it an then pressure wash it.
Oven Cleaner is a little further down the acid/basic spectrum (towards the base end) than Oxi. Both work in the same manner?
I've read that people soak 4,5,6,7,8,etc times trying to get the cooler clean. HOW much does that stuff cost??? $3 for oven cleaner. 30 minutes soaking for mine and it cleaned it right out. I used it on my 1975 RD350 when I decarbonized it. I guess you could use battery acid. It should each that carbon!
Oxiclean is cheap if you buy in bulk. Only need a tablespoon if you're filling only the cooler with hot solution - just plug one end. It's also non-toxic. But I agree, with it near plugged you want to use stronger chemicals or use a pressure washer.
Crystal clear now, almost as good as new. I should have installed the catch can while I had manifold off and replacing PCV. Do you have to replace manifold gasket every time you take it off? I’ll get to the catch can in couple months.
I’ve only replace the gasket once, but that was due to getting some brake kleen on it and i didn’t want to take a chance. If you avoid solvent contact, you’ll be fine .
Reassembly should be a breeze. I was so happy to be putting it all back together and be done with it that it was *almost* a good time. If I can offer any advice, the NutsAboutBolts method of reattaching the cooler on the top center stud first to help secure that back gasket did the trick for me. I nearly dropped it twice trying to use tape. For aligning it I aligned the top hole first and put the stud in, with the gasket sticking out, then slid the gasket clockwise down for the second hole. I then gripped the bottom edge with pliers and moved it around until the bottom hole was aligned. Also, make sure all the hoses are properly attached before you refill or top off the coolant so you don't waste a half gallon of it like I did.
Intake manifold gasket on mine looked fine, just reused. Only around 70K kms at the time though. If that rear #*#^^& gasket had clips it would be so much easier to align, less prone to drop.
One thing I did catch was the gasket. I drapped a few rags underneath after I lost the first bolt lol. I’ll prob do same when I reassemble.