Hello all my learning on Prius is a 2006 with 246,000 miles. She was not taken care of at all with oil darker the Minnesota farm land and spilled all over her engine bay. This poor girl was saved from a life rotting away in a salvage yard, which if I can't solve this issue myself I will need to send her on her way. When I bought her she was pulling several codes. I drove her to our apartment in Omaha and there she sat. My husband changed the oil in her the night we picked her up and I chugged chugged her all the way home. The acceleration is delayed and she chugs and runs HARD. I replaced her traction battery and 12 volt and that got rid of almost all the codes except one. P0453. She will run and go into "ready" mode but it doesn't seem like her gas engine is running at all. I can't hit the acceration peddle when she is in park in ready to increase the idle like I can with my other Prius cars. She'll drive, jerking you the entire way but I don't want to run down my traction battery doing more and more tests. I have also: changed out her spark plugs to find the most disgusting spark plugs I have ever seen. Cleaned the MAF sensor Cleaned the throttle body Cleaned the butterfly plate removed the Air filter assembly and resembled. Upon changing out the spark plugs, she did run for a bit and then the engine shut off with a bang and a jolt forward and it doesn't seem the gas powered engine has ran again since. I did follow the tutorials to a T. Any help, advice, or???? I do have Techstream. I'd be willing to try one more thing before I swap out the batteries and make sure that they have a really good charge on them before I continue further.
Given that you cleaned the throttle plate and manually rotated it to do so, you might need to disconnect the 12V battery for several minutes. To reset the ECU to relearn mode. P0453 is Emissions vapor pressure sensor output high. Do you have any idea what the previous codes were? iPhone X ?
Battery voltage 10.9 seems odd. Try connecting a battery charger to the jump start points under the hood and let it charge for 30 minutes. Power off. iPhone X ?
12 volt was replaced. If car goes into ready mode but I have no idle and car doesn’t rev when I push on the gas in Park is the gas engine running or off? This has be so frustrated.
Off, Vehicle power off while charging. I’m surprised no one else has chimed in with suggestions. iPhone X ?
Found this in another thread.. is the vapor pressure sensor plugged in? ------ the P0453 problem is because the stupid body shop lost my Vapor pressure sensor and never installed it so there was just a loose cable instead.---------------
p0453 More than likely you have an open in the Pressure Sensor which is sadly tough to get to since they put the canister near the fuel tank. The only other causes is a harness issue or the ECM. I believe the sensor lives in the canister module itself so you have to go hunting but look at your wiring diagram and see if there are any fuses, relays, junction connectors that could be giving the open if not right at the canister. By the way too many rude folks on this site are bugging me so Im in the process of removing myself from the site. Sorry, so if you dont see me in the future I am out of this piece. Take care. Ill respond as long as your asking.
That's exactly how the car behaves with the maf unplugged. Im not saying yours is unplugged but it sounds very intake air/gas related. How corroded was the throttle body? Go on youtube and search PRIUS INSPECTION there's the commands to turn on the engine and it will run until shut off. I keep forgetting the commands. Gives you time to look at it under the hood without the engine constantly shutting off. I find it hard to believe its not throwing a banquet of codes given how poorly its running. At the very least alot of misfire codes. Sometimes not right there.
In case someone needs such, here is the workup for P0453 (and P0451, P0452) : https://share.qclt.com/%E4%B8%B0%E7%94%B0%E6%99%AE%E7%91%9E%E6%96%AF%E5%8E%9F%E5%8E%82%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E6%89%8B%E5%86%8Cpdf%E6%A0%BC%E5%BC%8F/Prius%20Service%20Manuals%202004/%E4%BF%AE%E7%90%86%E6%89%8B%E5%86%8C/04pruisr/05/2054m/cip0451a.pdf
I don't think any of the evap codes will keep a car from running, anyone know for sure? From my limited troubleshooting of fuel injected cars if the MAF sensor is unplugged it should give you a code immediately. When it gets to this point go back to the basics, a car needs compression, fuel and injection pulse to run, find out which one is missing.