So I removed the ERG tube coming from the EGR valve into the intake manifold, cleaned it and tried to clean the ports at either end without removing the intake cover or EGR valve. I did this as carefully as I could trying not to push carbon/ buildup into the system. I also cleaned the throttle body with throttle body cleaner just sprayed on a lint free rag. Reassembled everything and started the car. When it started it ran really rough for about 20 seconds and the check engine light came on. I shut it down and rechecked everything looking for something I did not put back correctly. I found everything to be where it was supposed to be and checked the code which came up cylinder 2 misfire. I (perhaps stupidly) restarted the engine. It started rough again for about 5 seconds then settled down and ran fine. Never did throw another code and seems to be running just fine. I am now a little gun shy about removing the EGR cooler and valve and finishing the job. Any thoughts on what I did wrong? I will readily admit I am not a mechanic but generally speaking my DIY jobs go well and this sure did not look difficult but obviously I screwed something up. Thanks, James
I did not spray any cleaner into the throttle body just on a rag that I then used to clean a small amount of fouling on the wall that I could see but now that you mention it I do think there was a small amount of pooling of I assume fuel in the throttle body. I did not think much of it at the time. James
After cleaning my EGR cooler and intake manifold, my engine ran terribly rough at idle. I think too much cleaner may have gotten into the intake. A nice hard drive for 7 miles (on a windy mountain road) solved the problem. Scan your vehicle and figure out which codes you have; if they are misfire related, clear them and go for a drive. If they are sensor related, make sure everything is plugged in.
Yes it ran very rough for a few minutes and threw a second cylinder misfire code. I cleared the code and restarted the vehicle. After about 30 seconds it ran fine and has since. I have about 200 miles on it since then and it seems to be running fine. I will tackle the full EGR and manifold cleaning as soon as I get time. Thanks, James