I'm having an issue with my car no longer grabbing the call from the phone. My car display will indicate I have an incoming call, and it properly mutes the radio, but when I push the answer button on the display it does not connect the call to the car. Furthermore, I also can't answer the phone directly via the phone either as it still knows that I'm driving the car. If I am on the phone when I start the car the call will transfer to the car without issue, just not when I'm driving and a call comes in.
Not sure which phone OS you have. My iPhone pops up a screen when I get the call so I can choose normal, speaker, or car. I'm not positive, but I think it defaults to the last selection you made while connected to the car.
I have a galaxy s 5. I only have two choices on the screen when the phone rings; accept and reject. If I hit accept nothing happens anymore where it used to pull the car to the speakers as expected. If I reject it hangs up and the radio comes back on.
Possibly the speaker-phone volume has been set too low. This is controlled by the up and down buttons on your steering wheel and by the volume control on the radio. You can adjust the speaker-phone volume only when a call is active. When the phone is not active, the volume control adjusts the AM/FM/SAT/USB radio volume. I believe that the audio system remembers the volume setting separately for the speaker-phone, so it is possible to have the radio at a high volume level and the speaker-phone not so much. Why the speaker-phone works when you're already on a call when you start the car is hard to explain. It may be a quirk of how the bluetooth hand-off is implemented.
It's not a volume issue. As stated before, it works correctly if I'm on my phone when I turn on my car, but not if I'm driving when the phone rings.
What car are you driving? Your profile says your vehicle is 2013 Prius Three, but this is PRIUS PRIME forum thread. Assuming it is for PRIME, have you tried answering a incoming call by pressing switch on the steering wheel shown in the #4 comment diagram? Also, have you tried dialing a call while your are driving? It sound like Bluetooth connection or switch has gone wacky.
I understand. You've probably already done this, but if not: turn off bluetooth on your phone and delete your phone from the Prime's list of devices. And then start over from the beginning, setting up your phone and syncing it to the Prime. Bluetooth works using "profiles" of what features are available between devices (phone/car) and it is possible that the profile in memory has become corrupted so that certain features don't work. I am using an ancient Samsung Galaxy Stratosphere and it works great with the Prime. Mrs Bear has a much, much newer Galaxy S8 and we're never been able to get it set up properly to work with the Prime. Mrs Bear has a lower "geek index" that I do and, after fiddling with her S8 on a couple of occasions, she decided that it wasn't worth the effort.
I had a Galaxy Note5 and now I have a Galaxy Note8. Both sync to car automatically upon entry. Phone works so well, that when I am deeply into one of my songs while on google play, the volume of the music goes down, and I the phone rings thru the car. As usual, its a robo call from some remote place on our planet trying to sell me something.
Perhaps you need to help her out so she isn't doing "hands on phone" driving. Driving in Boston is crazy enough with both hands on the wheel and both eyes on the road, all 360° of it. I don't know about MA but using any handheld devices while driving is illegal in VT.
Yeah, I don't know how I survived driving in that city. The only place on earth I know North and South are the SAME directions.
One thing that does seem to hold true on an iPhone 8+ and a Note 9. If you answer the call with the car it should come through the car's stereo, if you happen to answer it with the phone it will come through the phone...then you would have to switch the call's audio to the car's Bluetooth. That's how it is supposed to work, that being said I have had a few glitches here and there with the Prime...
I guess I'm going to have to play with this. It used to work like on the PiP. Which was perfect. Last night I got a call and the car seemed to ignore. it. I should have tried using the steering wheel button but was busy with traffic I didn't think of it before just handing the phone to my wife.