Random mechanic that works on priuses charges $300 so I'm assuming it takes roughly 90 minutes to remove...another 90 minutes to install? Let's say u have all the right tools within hands reach. Can old one be pulled in 30 minutes? An hour? May take to my local and trusted mechanic if pretty easy and straight forward.
90 minutes for careful removal should be more than enough, but it depends a lot on how much care is given to removal of the interior components and if the guy has ever done it before. Some specific tools make it much faster. A good quality impact driver, magnetic driver bits, extensions for the interior side panel bolts under the retractable cover, trim panel fastener removal tools, etc. With experience, 30 minutes is more than enough to pull the interior, drink a beer or two and shoot the breeze about the latest game.
Lol. Then my local/trusted mechanic prob charge $150 or maybe $200. I watched him do rear struts and iirc it took about an hour and involved removing a lot of 10mm bolts in trunk to access. Really dont like dealing with new mechanics. Got 2 priuses with the brand new never-used-him before "Prius mechanic" and he has basically kidnapped the cars. Was gonna have him rebuild this 3rd Prius battery but prob just have local mechanic do if it is easy.
A friend of mine and I worked together and pulled the battery out in 30 mins. Took about 20 to put the replacement in. iPhone ?
Is a used good battery better than a "rebuilt" battery (replaced a few modules/cells?). Car in question has 110k miles. And what do you have to unplug to make sure there is no way you get electrocuted.
My record for pulling and installing a battery is 35 minutes. The customer was not home so that kept talking to a minimum. I also had a helper that I could hand the parts to as they came off. I have worked on many more batteries than most mechanics.
There are plenty of online videos with great directions for removing and replacing the battery. Making sure you remove the safety disconnect is part of it. As for the best choice, there are a ton of opinions on that. I just replaced one bad module in mine and seems to be good. iPhone ?
The other thing is whether or not you are getting a New Toyota battery. If it is a Used one it will likely come fully assembled. If it is a New one from Toyota it does not come fully assembled and additional steps must be taken and parts transferred and assembled.