Mine has apparently stopped working. I use it to charge my phone on trips. I had plugged in an inverter in an attempt to run a small fridge (for camping) and maybe that blew it out. The inverter didn't work but I could run it directly off the battery terminals. that was too much work and there were bears around anyway so I bagged the project.
Made me go and look for myself... So, stick your head in the driver footwell and look up just behind the emergency brake pedal on left to find the fuse box (cover). Then I'm guessing it's the one opposite the cut (non 90 degree) corner aka fuse number one. Link to owner's manual; http://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om/OM47787U/pdf/sec_04-03.pdf#page57 Enjoy
There is a fuse puller in the corner of the fuse box. It looks like a cheap plastic mini tongs. You can also grab the fuse with a pair of pliers. FYI, there's a few extra fuses in the corner of the engine bay fuse box.
The owner's manual didn't tell me how to contort myself so I can pull the plug? Should I be on my back laying across the door jamb? Its not self evident. thanks
I think calling it a "cigarette lighter" just a habit left over from when they actually put a cigarette lighter into the 12V receptacle. Kind of like "dialing" a phone number. ( I understand that even a landline keypad can confuse young people today: "Where is the send button?", "I don't know any numbers; how do I pull up the contact list?")