No worries, Critic, I know you're not like that. I'm sure I could have done it for less, but my mechanic is one of the best in the Houston area and doesn't come cheap. I'm sure the labor was the big hit. I will see if I can find my receipt and post it. I also may have misquoted the HG quote without realizing, better check that receipt.
For the record, I think the total price you paid was “market price.” It is about what you would have paid in this area as well if the work was done by the dealer or by an import/hybrid specialist.
I remember his quote was a few hundred less than what the Lexus dealer wanted. He's not far from dealer prices but they have a great warranty and they don't "throw parts" at a problem like many shops. You pay only for what actually fixed your problem. I want to add that this shop also charges a profit margin on parts, which I am ok with (and their part supplier, as I have noticed, is not cheap, lol). I don't mind spending a little more to support a local shop that takes good care of me and my car.
I also realize, that since I can do the work myself, that I may not adequately express the value of my labor. But I had, the final time I pulled the engine, about 9 hours from start to finish. Shops here charge 90-110 per hour. So 1200 for the engine, 80 for fluids, 140 for gasket set, 110 for bolts, 50 for plugs, then 900 labor is 2500. But a low mile engine has the advantage of not having to buy a 200-300 dollar timing set, and other misc parts that would be almost a necessity in a 200-300k mile job. So value of my swap is pretty close to 4 grand. A few extra parts, and change in cost-of-living, and “SHAZAM!” 5400. LoL
I requested a copy of my receipt because mine's buried under a pile of other paperwork. Here's the breakdown on my receipt: Parts: $60.55 - Valve cover gasket set $90.86 - Horn (yep, big waste of money) $631 70 - Aisin water pump $79.80 - Spark plugs $19.99 - Cabin air filter $88.13 - Thermostat $116.90 - Head bolts $49.90 - Toyota coolant (both) $575.20 - 16 Lifters $375.02 - Head gasket set $131.50 - Timing cover set Labor: $125 - Diagnostic fee $2500 - 20 hours labor $200 - Machine shop $69 - Oil and filter change (parts included) $62.50 - Replace cabin filter (I need to talk to them about that)
It looks like he uses a matrix pricing structure for his parts. These pricing structures typically add a steeper markup for lower cost items compared to the higher cost items. I am curious what was included in his head gasket set; those sets usually include the valve cover gaskets. Also, I am not sure what was included in the “timing cover set” - the $131 looks too low for a Genuine Toyota timing chain. Perhaps he used an Izumi branded timing chain from WorldPac? Overall, nothing real surprising. The additional labor cost for oil and filter change is a little tacky to me but that is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Thanks for sharing.
There are the parts I didn’t to buy because the used engine had really low miles. But your full list showed valve cover set AND head set. At least in the aftermarket kits, the valve cover set is included in the head set. Just curious how that works out.
What vehicle was this for, btw? To an untrained eye, that looks like full retail, no pencil sharpening. Assuming a 3rd gen Prius: the gasket kit p/n 04111-37315, includes head gasket, and most other rubber bits you could replace, goes for $169 plus shipping, through McGeorge Toyota (all prices similar). Head bolts p/n 90910-a2011 are $6.18 apiece, times 10 comes to $61.80. Also, it is possible to reuse, Repair Manual details a check of them. Though I'm likely to get booed out of here for that... $575 for 16 lifters? These are the hydraulic lifters? Assuming valve lifter p/n 13750-0P010, those are $21 apiece, times 16 comes to $336. But: why replace them?? Twenty hours labour, at $125 an hour, plus an hour for diagnostics? VERY leisurely?? Take a look at the attached TSB. Toyota spec's 16 hours for a piston and ring replacement.
Hydraulic Lifters = Hydraulic Lash Adjusters, that part # is correct. You gotta remember - industry practice is usually 20% off MSRP for wholesale customers. Shops do not order online and online parts vendors often discount beyond the normal 50%. The Toyota TSB lists warranty time for the repair which is usually 1/3 off of the published "book time" for customer pay. I think the HG repair time is 17 hours but remember, there is no law stating that the shop has to charge book time; they can charge more or less as they wish. It is a free market...
Notes: Lifters: several needed replacing, but because they're not too expensive, I had them all replaced because this is going to be a long-term car for me. Valve cover and timing sets: while other items noted the brand (Lexus or Aisin), these two didn't list brands. My mechanic tries to get Toyota parts when dealing with Lexus models if they are the same. Vehicle: 2014 Lexus CT 200h (3rd gen Prius powertrain) as listed in my avatar and signature. Going to bring up the notes you guys brought up next time I'm in the shop. I don't mind spending a little more because I like supporting this shop, but yea sometimes they go "by the book" and my mechanic often times stops them when he sees this (he tries to avoid the financial side of the shop).
So what did the OP decide? That's a interesting situation. Only a 4+ year old vehicle, which I consider relatively new, but with the mileage of vehicle, typically a decade or more old. Seems like the vehicle was well maintained for the most part. I think I'd want to try to keep going with it, even if it took an engine replacement, which at nearing 400,000 miles it clearly could need. But it's a rare situation. I'm just curious what the OP decided.
If it's the head gasket, I'd lean away from repairing the G3 and start looking for a late model (2015-ish) G3 as a replacement. If you have a driveway and some tools you can keep your current car long enough to swap the traction batteries (yours is relatively new - OEM?) Else...start looking for a low mileage used Prius. With your driving habits, buying a new car would be moronic.....and at almost 400,000 miles I REALLY think that you've chewed most of the flavor out of this stick of gum! If it's NOT a head gasket, I'd start setting out hooks for a replacement car anyway....since you're gonna need one pretty soon! Again.....another G3 and try to part out your G3 to offset the delta or maybe a used G4. Good Luck!
Ok guys,here is the update. i decided to replace the engine with gen 4 prius with 20k miles and comes with 2 years warranty and for $3300. The engine starting to shacking again and drain my water coolant,i have to reffill 1 gallon a day and i just think its the time to replace the engine,and i hope it will have a lots of mileage too