I have a 2013 level 3 purchased new in 2013. I have about 65K mileage on it. I usually note what type of gas mileage I am getting when I do gas fill-ups. I can't really say exactly when I started to notice the drop in mileage. Maybe about a year ago, back in 2018 at about 55K or 60K I noticed the mileagefrom always getting over 48mpg, and as high as 52mgp, go down to sometimes 42mpg. - My driving habits - ratio of freeway to city driving - hasn't changed. - I know that tire pressure can effect it a lot and in the years up to when I saw the drop I was aware that I could tweak out at least 2 or 3mpg by inflating the tires higher. So if they were supposed to be 33, I'd go to 36 or 37. - I've now taken to inflating the tires to the high 30s to get back to about mileage of 47mpg for the last couple fill-ups, but the ride is pretty hard and noisy. - I took the car in for the dealer's standard maintenance during the first years but have not had a real tuneup ever. - I do oil changes about every 5K with synthetic oil. - I bought tires last year - costco Ecopia EP422+ Grand Touring A/S 195/65R15 91H. I didn't notice a mileage drop when I started using them. I think it came months after that, so I am reluctant to think it is the tires. Any thoughts? Should I do a full service? In the old days a change of points and plugs, new air cleaner, setting the valve gap and timing, etc, was important maintenance. Can I expect better mileage with a full service tuneup from the dealer?
air and cabin filters? there is no such thing as a full service with prius. just follow the factory recommendations in your manual. check your oil level and 12 volt battery health. clean the hv battery cooling fan and intake grille
The only accurate way to track mileage is repeated gas-ups at the same pump over several visits. Using the on-board mpg readout has been not-so accurate for me.
I am not going buy what the onboard mpg readout says. I simply read the trip odometer and divide that by the gallons on the pump. I tend to fill-up at the same place with the same pump and top it off about the same way.
Ah. Were rear brakes (in particular serviced recently? Feel all four wheels after a drive, see if any feel hot. The should be slightly warm at most, and uniformly so.
I have an OBD2 scanner that I've never used. I finally plugged it in this morning and paired it to my phone and downloaded a scanner app. (Car Scanner ELM OBD2 by 0vZ) Is there some way I could trouble shoot this possible drop in mileage using the scanner? From the huge list of data output what would I be looking for? I imagine there a lot things that could be read.