My wife's 2008 Prius is acting weird. Some days no warning lights appear and then on other days the red triangle, VSC and (sometimes) the brake system yellow icon appear. I've checked it for codes as has my local repair shop and no fault codes show up. Sometimes when those lights are on and we've been on the highway for a few minutes at highway speed the engine begins to speed up but no increase in speed (like the sound of a slipping clutch). So we ease off the throttle a bit but at a slower speed ( like maybe 60 mph) it surges. Any clues?
It sounds like your local shop does not have a reader capable of reading/displaying HV battery error codes. You can go to another shop that has a proper scanner for hybrids, the dealer, or a hybrid shop like autobeyours. Or try the local chain auto parts store (like auto zone, pep bus, etc) if they can read it for free. Or just buy some tools yourself to read codes. ---- 327 Bluetooth OBDII adaptor (under $20) ---- Torque Pro app .($6) These can be used with an Android phone tablet to read and clear codes as well as see live data. Hard to guess from here what's wrong since many problems have similar symptoms. Could be a battery issue, a pump issue, an inverter issue. Do you like to work on your Prius or do you generally send it to a mechanic?
hello everybody , I m new on the forum, back in Europe (France) , and not much of people who knows something about working on a prius here, i am trying to solve a pbm : prius 2 ; august 2006 ; 192000 KM , used when bought , Tranny maintenance ? 12 V battery fully charged every time i try to start but used i had a HT battery failure, bill from toyota that i refused (2500 €), i change my self the 2 faulty elements (thanks you tube) and put back everything : 212 V on testing when i brought my prius 2 back home the thermic was working D & R but of course electric was not working. since then , and I checked and rechecked everything, the orange big security plug position (as mentioned by several personns) all the 3 connectors to the ECU, the connector to the Fan , even the polarity of the HT connectors .... same old song : THE READY MODE DOESN T COME ON, NO D OR R POSITION POSSIBILITY, THE THERMIC DOESN T FIRE UP , I noticed that i don't hear the Clac Clac of relays ans that the 12 V battery is drained after 1 day if stays connected. NO error CODE on ODB device i desinstalled one of the 2 main relay to try to test it, but i am stucked any ideas ? any suggestions, HEEEEEELP PLEAAASSSE thanks