Was going to fix my combination meter upon pulling it out there is some sort of filler or hard sealant on it was going to swap out the cap in it for a 220. Has anyone ever seen this ? It was repaired once before but it looks like im not going to be able to remove this crap without damage
Don't t think it has been fixed before, it looks like the cap has leaked over the board. Not sure how one goes about remediating it. All the best.
Some of the eBay repair services try to fix the meters by adding a resistor to the voltage regulator. I wont get into why they do it but as you can see it doesn't work long term. To keep the resistor from getting knocked off and to hide the repair they cover it with a thick conformal coating. That's what that tan stuff is. Here's an example of a similar repair attempt. If you have a hot air station you may be able to heat the coating enough that it can be removed with an exacto knife. That's how this one was cleaned.