I am in a similar situation deciding - green bean vs dealer vs Tampa Hybrid for HV battery replacement. Green Bean seems the cheapest option. Is the battery still working well?
Tampa Hybrid may be able to find you a good used battery from a wreck. If you are DIY the kit of new cells from @2k1Toaster for $1600 delivered basically gives you a new battery. IF you are not DIY I do not know how much Tampa Hybrids would charge to do the work. There is a link in my signature for the kit of new cells. Grean Bean and other "reconditioned" batteries are no longer recommended due to high failure rate.
Anybody have a picture of the newpriusbattery.com battery installed in their case? how do the temp sensors or the vent tubes clip in? Anyone gone this route yet?
I would always choose Tampa Hybrid if they are local. Eddie25, Here are pics of NewPrius from my test pack I was one of the first to purchase a while back (which I have since sold) https://photos.app.goo.gl/bDJiFOJzwPhEClCs1 Don't forget to check with your local dealer for pricing as well. And, as in so many of these posts I am going to (get up on my soapbox and) remind people to get the tools (inch-poind torque wrench) for properly torquing down the connectors. There are lots of nuts and bolts. Improperly overtightening or undertightening is so eaily avoided. To not do so is simply lazy... and can be dangerous to yourself and the pack.
Thanks for the great pictures. Interesting buss bar setup. It's really nice to have this option for new batteries. I guess it's still working in the car you sold? My only concern would be there is not a large test group to prove long term real world success as there is with the OEM type of battery.
I got rid of the battery because I didn't really need it. The car I put it in had a good battery to begin with. So I pit the good battery back in and sold the car. The cylindrical battery pack I sold to someone else. I did it as a service to this community. I knew people were hesitant so I figured I'd take the risk and try it and report back. I run a hybrid car repair business so I could write it off as a business expense.
I purchased a GreenBean battery under six months ago and the battery is now dying. The warranty they offer is only to replace the original battery. If the second battery dies you are sol. I can safely assume the second battery will not make it 6 months either. So not worth the money to go the GreenBean route.
I would certainly call them for a discussion about that as it may just be a misunderstanding. If true, this would really piss me off.....and I would make sure to let everyone on earth know about it. For that price you're only a few hundred away from a NEW battery.
@Buckyswoff That doesn't sound right? When you have a moment could you call me to discuss? 608-729-4082 I have customers with these installed in their cars. And I doubt that is how they understood the warranty. Edit: The closest I could find to what buckyswoff' is saying is this phrasing under transferability. But that seems out of context and only if you emphasize the word "purchased". "This means the warranty only applies to the purchased battery in the original vehicle. "
I was incorrect. I was using the greenbean chat. Must have been a bot and it was confusing. I called them direct today and they said they will replace multiple batteries if needed. My greenbean did die though and it has been less than 6 months. Wish i could edit or delete that post.
Just FYI, Green Bean Reconditioned Batteries just a few days ago upgraded their warranty from 5 years to lifetime. For a gen3 they come to where you are and install it for $1649. Gen 2 is $1449. Warranty is transferable if you sell the car. I had a gen2 for about a year with a greenbean battery that had been replaced about 6 months before I bought it. When I bought mt 2015 and sold the 06, the guy that I sold it to contacted me after about 6 months to tell me everything eas working fine and that he loved the car. (I probably should have just kept it, it only had 87k miles when I sold it) Anyway that's at least 2 years on the GB battery and he had 3 more years of warranty. Green Bean Battery Lifetime Warranty | Best Warranty in Hybrid Batteries #7bettergolf, 4 minutes ago
A longer warranty is useless when you cannot depend on it not failing at the worst possible time. Dependability is the issue, not warranty length.
Also, please read the Transfer information very closely. Lots of very important details and fine print to be aware of. Warranty Transfer Program | Green Bean Battery Company Here are my summary of a few of the things... Must do the transfer within 7 days of sale of vehicle. Must have original paperwork and title info Must have a bill of sale Must have new owners registration info Only can be transferred once If new owner not in the service area, obviously, the car must be moved to within the service area. Again, read the transfer and warranty info fine print.
If you look around you can get a brand new Toyota battery for $2102. 2010-2011 Toyota Prius Battery Assembly G9510-47062 | Conicelli Toyota of Conshohock I ended up paying $2300 for a new battery and installation at my dealer last September. Toyota was nice enough to give me a $750 credit since my battery was dying at 73,500 miles. Then the dealer made me a really good deal on the battery like $60 above the cost plus shipping from the above dealer. It was a no brainer since I didn't have to come up with the $1350 for the core charge.
My parents bought a replacement battery through Green Bean Battery recently. They were stranded with their Prius in Portland Oregon and the technician came to the house, replaced the hybrid battery, then cleared the codes. To top it off, they get a lifetime warranty on the battery. You can't beat that!
Does that warranty include the replacement labor? They only guarantee on that is you WILL need it, likely at the most inconvenient time. The vast majority of repaired batteries fail. They only put in other used parts that have not yet failed.Toyota has exclusive access to new parts. A user here sells a kit of new cells that gives the equivalent of a new pack for only $1600."reconditioned" batteries do not have the reliability of a new pack.
Lifetime warranty? Really? I never saw that on their site, unless it's new. But like Prodigyplace said, does that include the labor? Of course, if you are stranded somewhere, you have to do what you need to do... I hope it will last a long time for you!
They started offering the "lifetime warranty" about a year ago. From what I am told it does include labour. However my spidey senses are tingling strongly. To me that seems like a last ditch effort. It is not possible to provide a lifetime warranty for most businesses. No insurance company would touch that policy without sky high premiums, so that tells me they are self insured. And no sane business could keep that much liability on the books FOREVER!