Saw this great computer animation posted by a moderator over at Pretty funny! I especially like the "ghost" of the Prius at the end Here's the link so you can choose what format you want it in. Link at Greenhybrid
And the scoffers claim that hybrids have no power. It easily cleared that car! I considered joining that board if only to compliment the creator.
What I thought was interesting is that the creator owns a Honda Civic Hybrid, not a Prius. Could that be the reason he had the car explode?!?
TonyP: i love your avatar!! now that wouldnt be a indirect comment on the length of the waiting list in your area would it??
While watching the green Prius' extended "death scene", I was reminded of Paul Reuben's never-ending death scene at the end of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie.
The least they could have done would have been to respect the conservation of angular momentum during the jump! I think I also noticed one point where the car comes to a stop but the wheels keep turning. The only point seems to be that the guy likes to fantasize about Prius getting wrecked because he drives an inferior car.
daniel Very funny! Setve's actually a really nice guy. He has a lot of respect for all hybrids and I'm pretty sure he would not think his car is "inferior". When proposing the creation of this animation there was long discussions of whether he should do this with a Civic or Prius. It was actuallya Prius owners suggestion that helped make the final determination. Steve will be the first to admit that getting a natural flow of movement from character animation is not his strongest suit. But he enjoys doing this for fun anyway! I hope he does some more in the future.
he isnt the only one with Prius envy. yesterday i saw an Insight for the first time. ironically it was at the gas station. i saw it and pulled in to say hi. when he saw what i was driving he wasnt very talkative. in fact he was downright short. i think he was jealous because i was driving a Prius and he wasnt and after getting a closer look at his car, i could completely understand that feeling.
OK I am getting a Millennium Silver but now I want that green, or chartreuse or what ever. When I was 7 my mother remodeled the house and let me choose the color for my be room. I got to "consult" with the painter until he got the color just right and that was it! It is my destiny. Earl Schwibe (spelling? "I'll paint any car for 29.95") here I come.
hey Hdrygas: if its tideland pearl you are talking about, let me tell you, i have one and it looks gray to me. it does take on a green tint in very low light or under flourescents. take a look at my gallery for a few pics.
No I meant that bright green in the animation. I have seen the Tideland Pearl and I agree it looks gray but at some angles and in some light it takes on a greenish cast. Spooky color. I would have taken one had it been offered. My only color wish was to avoid dark colors. My present car is dark green and I swear it is hotter than other cars I have owned when left out in the sun.
avoiding dark colors is easy since only black and salsa are dark. the rest are all shades of beige imho...except blue but its a lt blue.
I have a idea about my car. Many years ago I read that the green color in chlorophyll was advantageous for adsorbing energy from the sun (probably in botany). My present car (a Ford Exploror) is dark green. I had a bright red one prior and it really seem cooler than the present one. Do you suppose that the green color is adsorbing more energy that other colors? My memory of physics is not any longer up to the task, not mentioning the fact that I squeezed by physics with a B.
well i think that chlorophyll would absorb sunlight either way, the fact that its green might be coincidental. sunlight leans slightly towards the red spectrum in the afternoon and towards the blue spectrum in the morning but not enough to change its white color. this is due to the doppler effect. but cars are designed to reduce their energy absorption by putting clear coat on the paint to help reflect the suns heat. but as we all know, the sun is simply too strong to be denied. but todays cars with better reflective paint and UV glass are supposed to be much cooler than older model cars. i cant tell a difference to be honest with ya. i will say that the cloth in the Prius interior doesnt burn you like other cars ive been in. my corolla required a towel to sit on if my car seat covers were being washed because the seats got so hot. my Prius doesnt have seat covers and probably will never get them (i have fabric and paint protection put on by...(whispering)All Star Ford...(returning to normal volume) so hopefully that will be enough. i am glad there is no ashtray in the car and although i wasnt going to eat in the car, ive already violated that rule...
The Prius model is really well done but it's clear the guy isn't an animator. Then again, I'm probably pickier than most.
The color you see is the color that is not absorbed. Presumably, chlorophyl is green because green is the portion of the spectrum that is least useful to the plant. A mirrored car would be the coolest, but would also be a road hazzard. And I cannot believe that the color shift due to doppler from the rotation of the Earth would be detectable by any instrument costing less than a million dollars, and certainly not by the human eye.
the doppler effect doesnt have to be detected. it is a proven physical effect common to all types of wave radition like sound and light.