Source: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Tesla: 'We Got No Return on Our Investment' | Breitbart Speaking at a climate change town hall organized by Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont recently, Democratic Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticized Elon Musk’s electric car manufacturer Tesla over the company’s use of taxpayer funds. “When we as a public choose to invest in new technologies, we deserve a return on that investment,” Ocasio-Cortez said when discussing government investments in green energy. Ocasio-Cortez further stated: “For far too long, we gave money to Tesla, we gave money to a ton of people and we got no return on our investment that the public made in creating technologies, and it’s about time we get our due because it’s the public that funded and financed a lot of innovative technologies.” . . . Source2: Skip to 1:00:21 to see original quote: She doesn't know about Fremont, GigaFactory, and the advances of Tesla EVs that are state of the art. She doesn't know about PowerWall and SolarCity. She doesn't know about Tesla's utility grade, battery storage, even though she mentioned them earlier. She has no idea about reusable rockets. Still, her ignorance got Breitbart to cite her as a source. Bob Wilson
A minute or two earlier she said something about needed in single plan and 'green tent.' To address a problem, I prefer communications between teams working the problem ... not some top-down dictate (i.e., see Paris riots.) Bob Wilson
she's rocking the boat, i'll give her that, but she is seriously lacking knowledge of history of government subsidies or just has an ax to grind
She is young, she is immature, and she is inexperienced. But what she does have is cajones, a message, and enthusiasm. It will be interesting to see if the oil industry will try to corrupt her as a result of her statements about Tesla. She is not looking at the big picture regarding Tesla and other EV manufacturers. Providing subsidies to EV buyers is much less expensive for the government than billion dollar programs to clean up the environment as a result hydrocarbon emissions. AOC and her constituents would be much better served if she went after government subsidies to big oil.
She doesn't understand budget scales either, getting a Politifact "False" (but not pants-on-fire") ruling for her tweet about "$21T in Pentagon accounting errors". That is more than the Pentagon's entire budget for the period in question: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wrong on scale of Pentagon accounting errors | PolitiFact
I am finding her (AOC) fascinating, compelling, and charismatic. Obviously the GOP is taking her seriously when they send the "big guns" after her. As far as government subsidies to the auto industry, I am in favor of ending all of them, which will result in Tesla cars going up by $3750, foreign made BEVs going up by $7500, and ICEVs going up by somewhere between $10K/15K by eliminating Big Oil subsidies for gasoline.
She's pointing out that Tesla got 400 million in government subsidie last year, a luxury car is being subsidized by the 90% of the population that has the least chance of using the money they are paying. And of course, it's not a loan, there's no repayment. This is seperate from the tax rebates.
What's the "larger point?" I presume "cc" mean climate change. She never said climate change is going to end the world in 2030. Just stop with the fake news, you are better than that.