Ok I really hate that when I do my daily commute, I have to scoot up and look like an old grandmother driving (no offense to any out here ) because the sun visor doesn't extend when I put it against the driver's window. I searched around and not seeing much aftermarket options or the ones that I do see get really bad/mixed reviews. Anyone have any thoughts or recommendations? Thanks to everyone on the forums. I'm new to the Prius world but this site has been super helpful.
My quickie/cheap Sun Visor Extention | PriusChat My fix for the sun visors | PriusChat Sun visor extension needed | PriusChat Etc.
Ugh! This is a huge peeve for me too. I have owned other vehicles in the past that extended or had a built in slide out. I feel over time I will have half a tan face because of this. I wish Toyota would have had an upgraded sun visor as an option.
Made my own from an old visor CD holder Yea Im cheap haha I just spent like $80 for some window visors (just fronts) so have to save elsewhere
My solution was #16 on Sun visor extension needed | PriusChat Kind of labor intensive, but it almost looks like it belongs there.
My mom is short. Most sunvisors are too small for her. We use junk mail and tape with the tiny ones in our Tesla. Tape gets replaced with rubber bands in the Prius.
When I got my Prime a month ago, the home made extender I mentioned in #8 above, wouldn't fit. So I got a couple of these and they look very much like yours except the color and that mine have a vertical extension, too. (Not sure how much I'll use the vertical part.)
It would be so much nicer if the Prime sun visor/extender would block more sunlight on the front side window. I just use a portable black fabric semi-see-through sunshade with a little suction cup. Something like below, but not that price!
Still interested to know how the Yaris ones worked out. Also thought about what it would take to modify the visor so it slides on the rod like Ford vehicles do.
Starting with either the 2019 or 2020 model year, didn't Toyota switch to a visor that has the extension? If you're willing to pay the premium for OEM, it seems that the base/connector didn't change, so one could just swap out the older version for the new. EDIT/Update: Looks like you CAN do this: 2017 Prius Prime sun visor | PriusChat
You can, but it still leaves you with a large gap above the extender as well as between the extender and the B pillar. I checked that specifically when I sat in a new Prius at the dealership.