As each day passes we love our little Prius more and more. We have our 300,000 mile sticker coming from the UK soon - plus the 100k and 200k as well to put on the back window. With 326,000 miles it powers on everyday and is a pleasure to drive still. Few cars make it passed 200,000 - let alone want to still drive them. Thank you Toyota for making such an amazing car.
Here in Phoenix it is little when you cant find you car between two 4x4's in the car park! My son who is 6' 4" only just fits in the front... so it seems like a small car. Ans lastly compared to the larger Holdens he drives in Australia the Prius is a small car.
The Prius 2nd generation certainly isn’t considered a little car in the UK. The Prius is the staple diet of mini cab drivers over here; it’s cheap to run, Uber reliable (see what I did there? ) and because the Gen 2 in particular has oodles of rear space for passengers, many of the 2008 and 2009 Gen IIs are still doing mini cab service in London! Little cars are not used for mini cabbing in the UK. Paradoxically, the Gen II seems to tower over the 4th generation in height....or is that just my imagination? iPhone 6s +
Half the people on this forum it seems (constantly read about people telling others to avoid a Prius -- "no, don't buy it, it is going to cost a fortune when it breaks, set aside thousands") .... and 99.9% of the world would speculate you've replaced the hybrid battery. My guess, based on 80-90% of posts from people over 250k is that you are still on original battery?
That's what I thought, which is why I was confused as to why the OP referred to his/her car as "little Prius".
In Australia it would be considered a small to medium sized vehicle because they can sneak into the parking spots designated for a small vehicle. I've heard owners say they love their little Chev Silverado and they sure wouldn't fit into the small car parking spots :lol: So maybe just a turn of speech rather than a reference to the physical size. As far as the 100k, 200k and 300k stickers, what a great idea, I'd be on my 400k and half way to my 500k sticker in UK miles, but a 700k km sticker would look even better T1 Terry
And yet.....malicious myths still abounded just 5 years ago about how the Prius was the ultimate SCAM vehicle. It was allegedly rubbish, unreliable because it had electric gubbins, and the battery would inevitably DIE after 2 years and you’d have to buy another one which would cost more than the vehicle was worth. My own mechanics recoiled in horror when I pointed out I was considering a Prius Hybrid to replace my ageing Mazda MX-3. I guess they were horrified at loosing a customer, so they gave me lots of dissuading horror stories about fictitious people they knew who bought one and had a most horrendous experience. It was all Hybrid Heresy . I went ahead and bought one anyway. I like the look on people’s faces when I tell them my entire commuting fuel bill for the month averages at about £70.00 a month for about 750 miles of commuting and personal use (per month). They’re paying up to 3 times that amount in fuel bills. I’m mildly amused when some of my friends invest in a really old and cheap Audi or Mercedes Benz for prestigious purposes, and then keep getting whacked with humongous repair bills for items that, on a Toyota (never mind a Prius) would last literally forever - or only ever get changed once in the lifetime of the car if ever. And you wouldn’t get scalped either! To each his own! A Prius with 4,500,000 miles on the clock? Congratulations, and I’m not surprised. Shrewd Prius Gen 2 owners the world over, DO get to have the last laugh after all iPhone 6s +
I am interested in the x00K Prius stickers. I am at 207+K US miles and the car runs and drives like new. No rattles, no shakes or shimmies. I've had it since 175K and a little over 1.5 years. Changed spark plugs (previous and only owner of the car had no idea it had spark plugs ), oil, transaxle fluid and cabin filter. That's about it for maintenance so far. I did upgrade the headlights (HID projector retrofits) and added heated seats (mainly for my lovely wife). Averaging just south of 45mpg (US Gallons) since I have bought it (see my Fuely in the sig). Great car and very impressive engineering package. The whole thing. Design, manufacture, etc. I think it started going a bit down with gen 3. Less space in favor of more "features" that I am personally not that interested in. Styling of gen 4 is repulsive to me and I really wish Toyota would design a proper plug-in vehicle instead of after-thought plug-in Prius that sacrifices a bunch of space. As for Gen 2, it may be the best car of the 21st century so far for me. Even if I have to replace the battery (mine is original), I will consider it a win as I did not pay more than $3,500 for it. It just keeps running and running and I smile every time I get into it to drive. Would love a 200K sticker. If anyone knows where to get one or perhaps we should design our own (any graphic designers out there up for the task?) and have it printed online (cheap to do).
I used to drive a 1998 Mazda MX-3 with a 1.6 litre twin cam engine. It was quite a nice coupe but oh so thirsty on fuel in the winter. Fuel costs didn’t matter back in 2004 when I bought the vehicle. They did matter in 2013 when I upgraded to a Prius. I once got 180 miles out of a 50 litre tank of fuel from the Mazda MX-3, during the winter months. Now I get a minimum 540 miles (45 litre tank) in winter.....and over 600 miles from my Prius in summer iPhone 6s +