We're slated to receive our Silver Pine Mica w Pkg #4 later this week. Any advice on what to check for prior to signing off on the car? Any advice on operations or functions particular to the Prius you suggest we verify are functioning properly? Much appreciated, and thanks.
First don't let them sell you the extended warrany, you can buy the Toyota extended warranty on this site for less than any dealer will sell it to you. Also the dealer won't tell you this but you have 3 years or 36K miles to decide if you even want it. Second don't let them sell you a maintenance contract or any other junk, maybe floor mats are OK. Third enjoy your car.
Here's a few tips on the car which is what you ask about to start with. There are a lot of things about the car that are not intuitive, I found it helpful to just sit down with the owners manual for a while. I also got a lot of bad information from the salesman. For example, he told me I had to use the B Mode to charge the battery (turns out you hardly ever use the B mode except coming down a long steep grade (lots of good info on the B mode here at PC) and he forgot to tell me to put my foot on the brake before I pushed the power button to turn the car on. I had to read up on the auto-off headlights and figure out how to reprogram the SKS door locks. There is also some good info here on turning off the reverse beep and seatbelt beep if you want to do that. Read everything you can on driving for good mileage in the Fuel Economy Forum if you want to do that. Go to John's site and download the user guide, there is a lot of other good info there too. http://john1701a.com/ Have fun.