Where are you paying 20¢/kWh?! Ours just went up to 7.6 and everyone was complaining about it to the PUD. No wonder people don't understand why EVs save money, at that rate it's probably pretty close to gas! As a comparison, my Pacifica PHEV can do about 33 miles on a charge, which is roughly what its mpg is when it isn't able to be charged. That costs me about 95¢, so that's what I pay per gallon. So far my Prius Prime gets substantially better MPG, and I don't know yet what it would get on a tank without being plugged in, but it's still far more economical than gas. We get hydro power here, so it's also way cleaner than gas is. But maybe this is just a quirk of where we live in the Pacific Northwest? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Then you need to calculate what you paid for the solar panels, and what your job pays for the electricity you get for "free" there.. someone is paying for it.. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Your rate is well below the national average 12.47 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh). In fact lower than the lowest state average Oklahoma 8.8 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh). https://www.chooseenergy.com/electricity-rates-by-state/ Nothing to complain. Us living in New England sates are the nations highest except Hawaii. My break even point for HV (gas) vs. EV (electric) for PRIME is $2.80/gal for gas. It has been below that mark for a long time. It's strange, but I grin when I see the gas price goes up. I can't wait to see it hit $3/gal mark.
I'd love one. Range is the biggest issue. I can't get from here to Ouray in 13 hrs like I can in the Prime, or the 4Runner.
Yep, I looked at the power bill. My power company is now charging: $0.48 per day $0.16446 per KWH $0.01371 per KWH for the Efficiency Vermont program $1 for the energy assistance program. Then there is the "Federal tax reform credit" which was $3.33 for the Feb bill, $2.96 for March. I just (don't) LOVE how the tax reform bill increased our electric costs while greatly reducing the taxes paid by the power company. The rates for Dec 2017 were: $0.433 per day $0.1484 per KWH $0.014 per KWH for the Efficiency Vermont program $1 for the energy assistance program. And when the tax bill was passed they said "We won't have to raise rates like we planned". Riiiight, for a few months anyway. They are up 1.6 cents per KWH plus the increase of $.047 per day to be connected to them which averages about another $1.40 extra per month. The tax reform credit per KWH is less than the increased KWH charge.
The 999.9 mpg screen is a more accurate way to gauge all electric miles. The plus doesn't have the 999.9 mpg screen like the Prem and Advan have, but PIP owners will know the diff. In the Pri Plugins as soon as the ICE switches on the 999.9 mpg gauge drops like a stone, whereas the 199.9 mpg gauge doesn't drop for quite a while comparatively speaking. Here are a couple pics that might be more confusing than helpful, put here goes anyways... we use so little gas I rarely fillup, less weight and $10 from the pump lasts us for months of typical driving.
999.9mpg display is not trim difference. All of 2017 model PRIME trims got 199.9mpg as max, whereas 2018 and up got 999.9mpg display. Yeah, even with 199.9 mpg as max with a short HV run the mileage drops so I can see with 999.9mpg, that would be accentuated even more.
Sure, that's all good....But: After roughly a year Toyota wants you to add fuel through a warning prompt, but because our theoretical driver still has a lot of old fuel (E-10 absorbing water) in the tank, he/she can only fill up with a few gallons of fresh fuel. Now they drive off for their next year with a few gallons of fresh fuel & A LOT of old fuel. It's this type of thinking that makes some sort of fuel stabilizer* even more important, thus why I use it. Rob43 * Fuel Stabilizer is not the "end all be all", it just gives the driver an extra edge when dealing with aging fuel.
Yeah I’m a little concerned about E10 fuel. I don’t k now if that part in the manual assumes you have E0. (Yeah fuel still goes bad but at least there’s less of an issue with water separation). Our tanks are pressurized, right? (To meet the zero evaporative emissions threshold) so that could help with fuel longevity, no?
Yes, Toyota's fuel system helps (tries) to keep E-10 fuel fresher longer, but nothing is perfect. Rob43 PS, I'm giving GREAT consideration to spending the extra $ dollars it takes to buy the E-0 premium gas that my local station offers.
The only E-0 gas around here is the high test stuff - 93 octane. I ASSUME the Prime, like the Gen II, specifies 87. I see the manual does say "or higher". For me this issue won't be a problem since I have to do a 55 mile round trip weekly. That will take some gas.
Bragger!!! Super jealous though. Wish they had chargers at my work... You may want to use your gas though bc doesnt gas go bad after a while??? Still jealous... Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Ditto. Would have made the 27-mile commute in EV only most of the winter if charging at work were available.
Update: I'm at 4,449.7 miles since my last fill up or any gas added. I predict I'll run out at about 8,000 miles. Yes, I have Sta-Bil stabilizer in "this tank" of top tier E-0 (100%) gas. Remember, I do burn some gas each week. That's why I'm just over 1/2 full.
When driving in EV the mpg gauge drops from 999.9mpg to around 350 mpg is the first minute the ice switches on and keeps dropping quickly even from 350mpg after the first minute, from what I remember. With my 2014 PiP the original gas that came with the car lasted for a year and 4k on the ODO.
I went 6800 miles on my first fill-up. I used 6.5 gals of gas. That was last Dec. Now I’m up to 2800 miles and still 3/4 of a tank left. I’m able to run EV most of the time because of my 20 mile round trip commute. Also, I have solar on my house. Still loving my Prime.
I’ll take a pic on my next fillup. I’ve been bragging to my friends about my 1000/mpg and they are not liking it. Guess I’ll just shut up and enjoy passing gas stations for another year.