Hi All, I am new the new owner of a 2007 Prius with a failed traction battery. I bought the car as a project with the understanding that I would be rebuilding the battery. After poking around in various forums I have come to realize that the quad charger that many people have had success with is no longer available. My goal is to find a tough, 120V powered unit with 2 or ideally 4 outputs that can be programed to do charging and discharging cycles and is available online for around $150 or less. It must be able to store the voltage and current results. Is there an obvious choice at this point? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Will
There are plenty of quad chargers that will work. Where did you get the idea that none of the current chargers will work?
I am hoping that one or more of the hobby chargers on the market will work, but have not been able to identify one for sure based on comments I have read in various posts on this forum. Do you have first hand knowledge of a quad charger that is programmable, can perform current discharge cycles with a sufficient load to be useful and measures internal battery resistance? It also needs to retain the charging voltage and current data and have a usb link for software updates or downloading data. Every one of the units that I have come across in the forums now has something missing from the above list. There were a bunch of clone chargers that did all of these things but they seem to have been discontinued or are no longer available. I would settle for a dual charger if it will do all the things above. Any help locating one would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Will