2013 Prius Persona - 95K miles So I was driving my Prius down to LA this weekend. The car over heated and I stopped right away. Towed the car back to Vegas as I was closer to that location. Come to find out a hose was loose and the coolant might have gone in the air system. Fixed it and drove back to LA. The car was driving fine but than at the same time I felt that the car was shuttering little at low RPM. Sunday Morning decided to leave early to get back home (Vegas) and engine light came on P0301. Decided to cancel my drive and show it to my old mechanic in IE to confirm the details. Went to him on Monday and was told that most likely if it over heated, than the Head need to be re done ($1500) and also engine might consume more oil now that this has happened (engine cost $2700). I owe 7500 on this car. Few Questions: 1. Is it worth fixing it? for the 2700$(higher amount) incase the engine is also an issue? 2. Assume I spend all this money, what is the time frame for the battery to go out? Just to keep that cost in mind? Please any advise right away would be appreciated.
sorry to hear it, had someone been working on the cooling system? how many miles a year do you average, and how many years would you like to keep her? the battery is likely good for 150-200k, with the caveat that vegas can be tough on them. a new battery is $1,600. plus install.
The coolant hose was loose when I open the engine back after I towed it.. Not sure why.. Not much work was done by the mechanic beside the oil change. I drive a lot as I like to take trips. I would like to keep her for a while as its almost paid off. $7500 is pretty much close to paying off so.
my opinion, get it done, and at least keep it until it is paid off, unless you can roll it into something a little cheaper like corolla, etc.
Those prices are super low. If he can do the head gasket job properly for $1500, go for it. Also @bisco, $1600 is wholesale cost for a Gen 2 battery. The Gen 3 batteries are still in the mid $2k range.
Also something to think about, these engines are pretty reliable in general. Meaning most go the junkyards with plenty of life left in them. There just isn't demand because the engines aren't exploding left and right like american vehicles. They may use more oil, but they do work. Instead of trying to fix the engine you have, it may be better to get a junker that was rear ended. Something to consider if cost is a worry.
Thank You so much for the input! I think I am going to start small.. Going to spend money and switch the spark plugs and the coils and see if that changes,.If not check the head gasket. and other things. My mechanic just hates that i would spend more money on labor than just going straight to head gasket and fixing it by spend 1500$
after i dropped $1,600. on a new head gasket on our ford windstar w/ 86,000 miles, i dumped that beast so fast it would make your head spin
It is highly unlikely that replacing the plugs and coils will permanently solve your problem. If the plugs are being fouled by antifreeze then new plugs may make the issue go away temporarily. You will spend $350-$450 on parts with a very low likelihood of success.
We've had quote on here to install a junked engine in the $500 to $800 range in the past. These things are pretty easy, they go in and come out in one big piece. A junk engine may cost the same but you'd be in it for less or the same amount.
$500-$800 for labor is a possibility, but junkyard engines for the 10-15 Prius are crazy expensive. I was quoted over $2K for one with around 75k miles. It is a very different market compared to the Gen 2.
Are you loosing coolant still? Maybe there's just air in your coolant system causing P0301? 95k miles is also about time to clean out your EGR/intake systems
I was really debating on spending the $ 1500 on the head and see if the issue is resolved or a new engine ($2700 installed). This quote is a engine from Japan with approx 20k miles.plus labor. I am just in the middle of should I spend small amount and see what it leads to or go big and change the motor
Ok, I was wondering why the price was so low for an used engine. Those "JDM" engines are a crapshoot. I have heard a equal number of successful and horror stories. They are almost always low mileage, but sometimes they have not had oil changes. I would strongly consider getting a used engine from a domestic source with a warranty. You will have to explain how air pockets can cause misfire...
I'd purge air out of your system first then see if P0301 returns. Then worry about headgasket Pixel XL ?
Ok.. I left the car in LA.. Hopefully one of the upcoming weekends I will go down and drop it off at the shop and get it going. Thank god I have back up car to drive.