How many miles have you gotten on one tank of gas? I'm at 4,260.0 miles with over 1/2 tank left. I last purchased gas on Nov 26, 2018.
Not sure I get the point of this since you have to pay for and use electricity still. If looking at it from an economics point of view, how much has that electricity cost? Was it cheaper than gas? And from a green point of view, where was the electricity sourced? Coal power? Solar? Lots of questions need to be answered before bragging that you haven't had to fill the fuel tank in a year or more.
I'd second that. I'm not a fan of "stretching tanks" to begin with. Then with a plug-in, it becomes meaningless.
I'm getting 42 mpg with my 2011 plus performance. It's much better than driving the Celica GTS that required premium fuel and was getting about 26 mpg due to my driving habits! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
With my daily commute being ~40 miles round trip (no charging at work) and and my PRIME's EV range plummeting to ~18 miles during winter months, I have had plenty of fresh gas fed into my tank last 6 month. During brief summer I stretched ~2 months without refueling for about 2000 miles once, but that was unusual. I usually drive beyond the EV range more often during summer months.
Not replying to any one post but I "just drive it" and this is where I am for now. I only put 100% E-0 gas in the Prime and if the detractors above took the time to look at the pic, they'd see that I have been burning gas. I burn some gas once a week on a slightly longer drive I have to do. The vast majority of my drives are EV only. My electric cost is $0.06 per kWh. The car is designed to do this so the trolls can bite me if you don't like me not burning gas. Could have sworn that's sort of the point of the Prius. Everyone seemed to think it was pretty cool when we went over 800 miles on one tank in our 2010's. Sorry, I was one of them (#6). So I fail to see how not burning gas in the Prime is any different.
My winter range was down to about 28 actual miles per charge. Over the last 2-3 weeks it's up to about 33 actual per charge. Sorry, it's warmer here. We did have some very cold sub 10° weather this year as well. It just didn't last as long as yours. I only have L1 charging so my recharge ability is limited.
Yeah, so am I. I do nightly charge for my commute and it works well during summertime for ~80% of drive. During this past Feb while the gas price stayed ridiculously cheap, and cold temp was waking up ICE instantly every morning, I did not charge at all for whole month. Otherwise I still charge and try to run as much EV as I can and reduce gas use even though it it not economical for me.
I also use the depart time schedule. Love it. Different parts of the country really have different challenges due to temps. We had a hard freezes last week and it's going to be in the 80°'s in a couple of days. Can't plant anything until after April 15th because it "will" freeze again. Been there did that.
We just had 3 inches of snow two days ago, and lakes are still frozen solid, though I would not try doing ice fishing any longer. lol Our ground do not soften to be able to till until May. I am hoping to install solar panel this year, but I have to see how it goes.
Our frost line depth is only 10 inches compared to your 35 inches. Yeah, if the ice huts aren't "in", they're going to be "in" the drink soon.
Try 4 feet for most winter. Extreme frost penetration goes down to 6-7 feet in our area. To be on the safe side, deck footing is usually deeper than that.
I was being conservative and the frost maps are approximate. It's also why it's very rare to see houses with basements here. No need to get the pipes that deep. Sprinkler lines are usually no more than 18 inches and no need to drain.