Just found this legislation for the state of Ohio for hybrid cars purchased starting in 2006 ... The bill is moving along since it's introduction on 12/15/05 and would offer a $3000 tax credit for qualifying hybrid car purchases. (lower MPG mild hybids getting under 40 MPG would get a $2000 state tax credit) (added 1/1/06 thanks EricGo) http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/bills.cfm?ID=126_HB_0453 For legislation it seems quite strait forward. Enjoy,
This is very interesting. I'm also from Ohio and will be purchasing my Prius in 2006. Do you know what the chances might be that this will get passed? It seems like a pretty big credit for the state to give. -Patience
There is a status report you can see through the link. It seems to be moving with no difficulty at the moment, we will have to keep an eye on it and if you want contact your reps and let them know you support the bill.
Ah you are correct... missed that they seperated it between greater than and less than 40 MPG... I will update the origional post as well. Although wither way it will mean I wil get all of my Ohio taxes back Thanks,
This would be great for Ohio to offer credits. It would help having both a fed and state deduction and also increase sales of them in the state ( and give me more to work on, :lol: ).
Good to here from your perspective Rick57, and I se eyou are with Germain... My car is coming from Tansky but if their service is lacking it is good to see a Tech and Prius Chat member to boot in my area. Thanks,
No problem. If you decide to visit Germain's,just ask for me to look at your Prius. We will see that you have a pleasant experience,
Does anyone know if the tax credit is still going out to new Hybrid buyers say if they purchase the Hybrid in '08?
Just a note here. This law was never passed....Today our Ohio state legislature passed a law to place a $100/year registration fee for hybrdis and $200/year for EVs. Go figure.