Hi everyone, Just purchased a lightly used 2017 Prius Two with 24k miles this past week, and have really been enjoying driving it for my daily commute. As it was used, there are a few things missing that I have a couple of questions about. First, it did not come with a tonneau cover for the hatchback. I would like to get one, and understand that there are two options, a soft cloth one, and a hard roller extension one. It looks like the trunk is already set up for the hooks for the soft cloth one; is it still possible to convert this to work with the hard roller one? Or is it even worth it, and should I just stick with finding a soft cloth one? I've already found good OEM part pricing on various websites that I used to use for purchasing parts for my older 2002 Corolla, so I'm not worried about purchasing directly from the dealer and getting ripped off. Next, it also did not come with floor mats. I live in Hawaii, and sand and salt water is a constant issue here, so I'm looking for something that I can take out and shake the sand off of, or at least be able to vacuum regularly and still have them hold up. Probably rubber floor mats, though we got by with cloth ones on the previous car. The crappy rubber ones we have in there currently as a temporary thing slide around way too much, so I'd prefer if they work with the floor mat hooks for the front seats. I'm not sure if we need a trunk mat cover yet, maybe something that can also catch sand. I'm looking forward to getting many years out of this car, and happy to be part of the forums!
I had the shade type in my past 09 Prius and was very happy with it. My Prius (Prime) came with the collapsible fabric one, that at first I thought it was cheap. But after living with it, I think I like it better than the shade type. The cloth stretches to cover all sorts of irregular cargo that protrudes up towards the glass- that could never be covered by the shade. So my suggestion is to buy someone’s cloth cargo cover (cheap) when they upgrade to the shade type. Going for the shade conversion is quite expensive $$$ if you are buying the parts new. Just my observations. On the subject of floor liners I do like the Toyota Prius liners on my Prime. They do catch a lot of the dirt and liquid you drag into your cars. I got a deal on mine by checking EBay. YMMV Joel
Congrats from me, too, and welcome. I'm in the same camp with @priusman09. I at first thought the light collapsible cover was cheap. But, as he said, it conforms better to the stuff in there. Also, it goes up & down with the hatch, so you're not constantly having to retract and extend it. If you do want to take it off, you can stash it in a little crevice. And I discovered a little trick yesterday. It's natural to put the loops at the front over the "T"s such that the cover sits below the "T." But you can do the opposite and have it above the "T" which gives about a half inch more vertical space under the cover. It felt awkward doing that, but I like the results. If you do want one of the heavy ones, the little "T"s that the loops go over can be easily removed and then you have pockets for the roller type. But I'm really happier with my "cheap' one.
Mats - from PriusChat's own shop: 2016-2018 Prius - 2016-2018 Prius Interior - Page 1 - PriusChat Shop I've got the roller boot cover - I don't like it, it's awful compared with the type which lift as you raise the hatchback. But TOYOTA don't offer them. Can you source one from a wrecked car?
Have you checked under the carpet cover in the back, where the spare tire/tools are located? The soft cover is folded into roughly quarters and kept in a black cloth bag under the carpet. As for rubber mats, I bought the Toyota OEM all weather rubber mats online...
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and the suggestions! @FuelMiser just confirming that yes, we did check under the floor cover in the trunk area to see if there was one stored there, and it is not present. Also made sure to check under the foam padding for the spare tire just in case someone had stuffed it down there--no go. There was another Prius on the lot that we test drove that DID have one stored there, so it was just this particular car that was missing it. I'll likely pick up the cloth cover as it sounds like it has more versatility in the long run.
I went with a slightly more "ghetto" solution. I went to Harbor Freight (a/k/a Horror Freight...) and for $8.00 got a decent size moving blanket (the quilted things movers use to wrap furniture to prevent scratches). I picked a dark dark blue-gray color that almost perfectly matches the interior of the car. It works well, and has the added advantage of unfolding large enough that I can cover larger items carried with the back seats folded down. In normal configuration, in place, it results in a view of nothing but gray darkness through the tinted hatch -- nothing to tempt thieves visible. Of course, it conforms to the shape of whatever's back there, and though I don't expect to be stranded and cold (I'm in Florida...), it's also a blanket.
@ekpolk thanks for the suggestion! Might use one of our beach blankets for this purpose. I realized that we also need to tint the windows, which should help.
We just picked up a 2017 Prius 2 last week. The day before we picked it up I ordered a set of OEM all weather mats. Great mats, and I got a good price on ebay ($80 for a set that a customer refused so they couldn't sell as new). We had bought the OEM mats for my daughter's 2014 Prius C a couple of years ago and they were great with being down in Wilmington and lots of time at the beach! Money well spent.