When Toyota cuts a Model, it maybe just pulling it from a market. Why did Tesla cut the Roadster? If Tesla builds the standard Model 3 with no extras, they will be their most popular model. But have very little profit for Tesla.
Never said having more than three models was a bad thing. I'm saying that having four or more times models to not even get twice as many sales means that your sales aren't doing well, or the guy with just 3 models is doing really well. Tesla's percent change was not included in your post with the others; Tesla went up 280%. Mostly because of the Model 3; it simply isn't selling in luxury sedan numbers, but in mainstream car numbers. It outsold the entire Prius family last year. It was less 12,000 shy of matching half of the Corolla family figure for 2018. Cause I posted to wrong link earlier. Tesla Model 3 Sales Figures | GCBC I don't think the original Roadster was meant to be a regular product. It was built on a Lotus glider after all. A 100% Tesla Roadster is planned for after the Model Y, or maybe the pick up. This statement is true for virtually every car ever made.
No profit. Not "very little." None. Zero. Nada. If there was profit they would be delivering them. Today.
Uh, Tesla, are you keepin' up? And Tesla is knocking it out of the ballpark and disrupting the whole auto industry. I would hope that Toyota would join into the BEV fun, but they aren't. Toyota is missing a YUGE opportunity.
On what basis do you say that, other than your opinion? Tesla has ALWAYS delivered their highly optioned models first, whether you agree with that business model or not. Many have said that the model 3 in any form would NEVER be possible and that Tesla was on the verge of bankruptcy and you (I mean they) were wrong about that. It is all about credibility.
Let’s see what happens in 2020 when we enter another recession or depression. Hope Tesla has an emergency plan.
Yes, that has always been Elon's stated plan. Is there a problem with that? In succession it will be: $35K un-optioned model and I don't think that it will be around too long, the concept $35K model 3 from three years ago is ancient history in the automotive industry - costs have risen in that period, market is more elastic now than then, and technology (batteries) has improved. Model Y Tesla Semi Tesla Roadster, Gen. 2 Tesla pickup Mars and beyond
That all depends on which party you vote for in 2020. Fool me once your fault, fool me twice my fault.
I don't think so. I don't think Elon has every wanted to be a major auto maker. His stated purpose was to force legacy auto makers into producing cars that are powered by non-fossil fuels for a sustainable future. His plan was to be an industry disrupter. He has been successful in that regard. I would not be surprised if he sold Tesla Motors in a few years to.........Apple? The Arabs? A consortium?........Toyota? Elon's true passion is space and particularly Mars exploration. I think he is on track to be the most influential person in space exploration, ever.
It is just my opinion. That's all. It is hard to put Musk and credibility together given his many failed promises, his ridiculous claims that break the laws of thermodynamics (did you say, "Hyperloop," flying cars, "funding secured," tunnels for 1/10th the costs of those designed by others AND a $35,000 Model 3 in 2016, etc.?). It is still my contention that BEVs are very crude technology. There just isn't enough energy in current batteries to make them viable compared to petrol and diesel. Therefore, I look at BEVs as intermediate vehicles. The future may be hydrogen or other fuel cells, or zero-emission petrol vehicles. It is not batteries, unless there is a major breakthrough, which seems unlikely.
And opinions are like................oh never mind. Delayed promises, YES. Broken promises, NO Your additional opinions fly in the face of proven reality. I do agree that battery technology is a transitory gateway for technologies that we can't even imagine today.
And what is a certain President high on when he Tweets. That President has his finger on the nucular option, Elon doesn't. So where is your Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt?
Toyota seems to have their poop together. Conservative some may say. But it works for them. 98% of people just want to get from point A to point B. with an affordable car or truck. Toyota knows how to do that, and has a proven track record for longevity.
Boy am I glad I missed this thread as I've been busy in the real world: Tue, Mar 26 - traded in Prius Prime for Standard Range Plus Model 3 saving $900 in metallic Blue with basic Autopilot Wed-Sat - started learning about Traffic Adaptive Cruise Control and Lane Keeping Fri - bought more TSLA stock at a great price Sun, Mar 31 - testing included two Supercharger sessions and odometer reached 617 miles including preliminary modeling I am thinking about doing a series of benchmarks from HSV to Manchester TN, and Nashville, TN, ~140 miles: EV cost and block time - 2014 BMW i3-REx EV cost and block time - 2019 Standard Range Plus Model 3 gas cost and block time - 2014 BMW i3-REx Bob Wilson