could someone confirm. Of OBD modul is connected on runing prius, would OBD register turning signals, lights, brake ligts going on and off? SM-G950F ?
I'm surprised no one has answered this yet. I'm not sure, but I think Techstream could pull that information. Maybe this bump will bring it before someone who has tried it.
The car’s data link connector (DLC3, in Toyota’s terms) is used in two ways: for emissions-related diagnosis according to the OBD II standards, which don’t cover lights or similar features; and for diagnosis using Toyota’s own protocols, as implemented in the Toyota Techstream diagnostic system and by some third-party products. Yes, it can. Information about the status of the external lights is available using the Toyota protocols. The “Data List/Active Test” pages in the Repair Manual (more info) describe the parameters that can be monitored.
Iam thinking about wirelles hitch ligts transfer. There are wifi hitches, with battery ooerated turn signals and brake lights. But you must cinnect other end to cars 7pin hitch output. This obd wifi transmiter would eliminate any need for installung trail light connector. SM-G950F ?