In the east coast where there is a $5K incentives to move the 2018 Prime, I was able to scoop one up today. It's been 10 years since I bought my last Prius, hopefully they will give me another 7 strong years. I tried to go back to a gas car, but I just found it extremely difficult to buy another full gas car. The RAV4 Hybrid was great, but it was getting too expensive for me to lease again.
Congrats! Enjoy the smooth EV ride, but be prepared to encounter lack of space from time. Yeah, I was thinking of all new 2019 RAV4 Hybrid with greater than 40 mpg. But in the end it is too expensive and too small for our need. Just picked up a used Pathfinder Hybrid to fill our need to haul stuff.
Just got a Prius premium. Installed a dash cam in 30 minutes. The car doesn’t come with awd, but I looked at the Prius le awd. It is really ugly compare to the prime imo. The prime is not fast, but I like the vibration free driving unlike some of the gas cars I had looked At. The car likely won’t get charged much, but at least there is an opportunity and I figure more spots will pop up the next several years. Where do you guys store the brick btw?
YAY!! Congratulations. I was wondering the same thing. I'm getting somewhere around 500 MPG. It could be even better if I wasn't still experimenting.
What a shame. No plugs at work either, I guess. But you'll still be better off than almost all the other cars on the road and the charging situation may change. Ya never know!
That’s the prime to pick a prime over the Prius awd. It looks better and have the option to plug at some point in the future
What's your best guess on the distance from "Her" 120v wall plug to the car ? Is it More or Less than 150 feet ? Rob43
Congrats. I was in same situation--$5,000 northeast incentive was hard to pass up. Plus, New York State and the Feds didn't hurt the proposition either. I also live in a condo, but I'm trying to get the charging situation addressed. I have a garage, but the circuit is too small to do the job right.
^ I saw that, problem is that the row of 8 garages is served by a single 20A breaker. Even at 8A, another vehicle charging or significant load might push the limits on a circuit I can't get to easily to reset.
And this is the problem Tesla and other EV’s will face. Many people can’t charge at home. The Tesla fans just don’t get what a big issue this is!
i would go for it, set your car to max and charge for departure time for your morning commute. nobody using any power tools at 2-7 am only other possibility is another car charging. which probably nobody is doing. if there are any other EV's (out of 8 thats doubtful) if you blow the fuse , i would put polite notes on their doors asking if they would be interested in coordinating charging times... you could also get another breaker installed and run exclusively to your garage...