I know the Prius has 2 catalytic converters (from what it looks like) idk if one is the converter and the other is called HCAC Cat./Chamber/ or Valve? But they stole a whole giant piece of metal about 2-3 feet in length. The vehicle sounded crazy, like a number car having electrical difficulties, I took the car to a muffler shop they installed a cat con. Melded to a pipe/ or metal tube, made a whole on the cat and entered a new O2 Sensor (oh that was stolen too). The engine light went off for a couple of days but now it's back on, took it to autozne code is for the cat. con. (Either a hole, leak, or something) my guess is somethings missing. The guy at the shop told me to add another cat converter of the same type he installed since the Prius supposedly has 2. I am confused and I am not trying to waste so much $, what should I do? Should I take everything g off and put a universal cat? Or order an after market and have it install? What went wrong? Maybe the hole he placed on the cat. Wasn't suppose to be done? HELP!
You can order a complete unit from eBay, 2 cats and the proper placement hole for the 02 sensor. I think they run about $260. Not sure what that muffler shop did but seems it wasn't done right. And yes, there's suppose to be 2 cats on the car
Thank you for your prompt help! I've been searching and the prices are just as you said, what should I do with the one the shop places? Should I demand a refund? Would the item on this image be right? (2004 Prius) Thanks again!
Not sure how strict they are in New York, but just in case: Do they allow using the eBay ones. (I know NY is a CARB state. I know CA has special versions of catalytic converters specific for it. I also heard, at least here, that the muffler shops aren't supposed to install used ones. Who the heck comes up with all these rules?!)
sorry you got taken ana, my daughter is in nyc with her 2008, i better warn her. do you park on the street? do the ebay ones have all the precious metals the oem's do? is that all they are worth? seems like a lot of work.
If your catalytic converte is stolen (cut off) the check engine light up pop up on the dash but would that cause the Red Triangle to pop up in the dashboard as well ?.
I guess the logic is it'll take long enough that he'll move on to an easier target. Are those maybe torx screws, that could be what tips him to take off.