Hi All! I'm an owner of a 2016 Prius C Two, and have an 11 month old. I have a Graco SlimFit 3-in-One Convertible Car Seat installed in my car and my wife has a Chicco Keyfit 30 in her. When the Graco is installed behind the passenger seat, my wife has to twist her legs sideways to fit. I know she's starting to hint about baby #2, which means I'd either have to get a new car or find a rear-facing car seat that isn't so big. So here's a two part question: 1) Anyone have any car seat recommendations (rear and/or front) that give space to the front seats (I'm 6ft tall)? 2) If I choose to trade in the prius C and go fully electric, any recommendations on EV cars that fit a family of four pretty easily (Chevy Bolt, Leaf, etc...)? Thanks for the help!
Tell her not to sit in the babies car seat? Might be why she's twisting her legs sideways. Sorry, couldn't help myself.
Radians are very narrow. We were able to fit 3 abreast in our 2010 Prius, though it's a wider car. I doubled up on the U-bar connectors (acronym LATCH), which is apparently a no-no.
I’ve recently found a very interesting site about automobiles and everything connected with them. It is AutoExpertGuides. If you need a carseats I would advise you to look there. Otherwise, there was really a lot of interesting info connected with cars. After studying a lot of it and answering your 2nd question, I’d recommend you to give preference to fully electric models. Have you heard about Sono Sion? Apart from being an electric vehicle, which is already important, it also uses solar energy - the panels are installed on the hood and doors and serve to feed the batteries. This is a full-fledged family compact van, capable of taking on board 6 people! And all this at a price of 16,000 euros, certainly in the bases configuration. Great, isn’t it?