I've got the old "Check Hybrid System" warning today when I went to start our 2010 Prius. I had been driven 30 miles just 3 days before with zero issues. In fact we've never had any issues with it. However, today It won't start at all. I've tried starting it several times, as some mentioned that might help, and disconnected the 12 volt battery for a couple of hours, then reconnected to see if it would clear the condition. I got the multi-meter out and I'm reading 12.3v, and from what I read, I am guessing that's low. I put it on the 2Amp, AGM setting on my battery charger for a couple hours, but still no luck. Goes from 13.2 on the charger back to 12.3 after attempting to start it. I don't have a code scanner, but with the battery being the original (the car was manufactured in October 2010, so the battery is at least 8.5 years old) I assume that I should go ahead and replace that first before pursing anything else. Thoughts?
Put your volt meter on the battery, then have someone hit the start button and see if the voltage drop below 10v . If so, your battery is a gonner.
yeah, 9 y.o. battery, just change it. if that's not the problem, you will have needed it anyway. also, check the cooling fan and intake grille
Replaced the battery (since it needed it anyway) and still got the error message. A basic scan provided the P3004 error code.