RE : 2012 PRIUS V 130K MOSTLY CITY MILES, about a month ago, my wife fills up the prius at a gas station we don't usually use, and it was right after a hard rain. at first i thought the timing indicated some bad gas with water in it, i put in some lucas injector cleaner. didn't really help. it only seems to do it with the car sitting, not moving. you know how you will turn on your prius and it just sits there without the engine running for a minute or two. on mine, when it finally "starts", it sounds like it will rattle right out of the engine compartment! sometimes it won't even throw a code when it does this. HOWEVER, if i am already in gear and moving either forwards or backwards and then the engine starts, it doesn't do it. bear in mind it will run ok for a couple days. then it will do it again or engine light will come on. it is always cylinder #2 plus occassionally p0300 anyway, first step was change coil and plug on #2. then cleaned egr and tube really good. could not get to the egr heater. now i am considering the injector. have not noticed any excessive engine temps, and the coolant seems to maintain it's level. have read that cleaning egr is only stop gap and will not fix problem, also have read about leak down test. i was also wondering if a hydraulic lifter had gone bad but seems like that would be an "all the time" problem has anyone had similiar problems or any thoughts. best recommendation for injector, and where to buy? i was planning on getting denso. thanks prioples! (prius people)
130K miles, did you ever change spark plugs prior? Did you just replace only 1 spark plug this time? What brand did you get? Have you ever did the EGR cleaning before? If this were my car, first thing I would do is change all the spark plugs with recommended spark plug brand, see if it helps, and if not check for any vacuum leaks.. check youtube for your engine code and how to problem shoot. And last do the EGR circuit cleaning. I did it on my 2012 around 95-97,000 miles and changed all the spark plugs at the same time.. good luck
How about EGR passages in intake manifold (and the whole manifold of course). And the EGR cooler (what you refer to as heater?):,gotta address that.
Run Seafoam Clean EGR Also, always replace all spark plugs at the same time, using two different brands of spark plug will confuse the ECU timing. It will not be able to learn and optimize timing due to variances between cylinder.