I've had my 2008 Prius for 13 months. It has always had a fuel door that won't pop open when using the remote release lever next to the driver's door. I have tried lubricating the small pin but it has always appeared that is not the issue. It appears it is such thin metal, including the hinge area, that it needs some flexing/adjusting. I tried this once with some brief success. But, it is back to not popping open. I don't want to get any more aggressive with "nudging" it into alignment since the metal is so thin. Any suggestions? For now, I have the habit of wedging a small sunglasses case under the lever to keep it in the up position. Then, I can press on the hinge side edge of the door and pop it open. I can continue this technique but it is a nuisance. Any tricks/advice would be appreciated. Paul.
My best guess is that the cable or cable sleeve is streched or loose. I almost guarantee if you can pull the cable far enough it should open every time. I know its built into the floorboard so its not as easy as the hood release, but be creative and I'm sure you will find a solution.
I had a Volvo and Mazda both w sticky fuel doors I’ve noticed the door on this gen 2 to be very thin- I’ve had similar issues but it’s so thin I have just used an old cc to prop it open ....
That little springy tab that pops it open is mighty flimsy. And it doesn't look easy to replace, either. If it's cracked or broken, maybe you could rig up a substitute piece of spring steel to slip in there to replace or reinforce it.