Been wondering what happens for trade-ins. So would they still honor a quote potentially weeks to months later when the trade in is continuing to depreciate? CarMax, for example, only guarantees their quote for 7 days.
In all seriousness. How can you all be fine spending $35K or more knowing your buying a vehicle with flaws? If the bodywork is poorly done, what else is not right?
The MR was never on the original menu. Just like a special at a restaurant...this was a limited time only special. Here for a few months, then gone. A good strategy, financially for Tesla. Mike
I have been following YouTube reports of those who bought earlier Teslas and their owners remain delighted in spite of 'fit and finish.' If the wheels go round, I can overlook surface defects. I don't buy my cars to be 'sheet metal art.' Regardless, I like a good challenge. Bob Wilson
Mine has a couple fit an finish flaws as well, but no panel gap issues. It's also more forgivable considering it was a test drive vehicle for a few months. Immaculate considering that. But all those tiny issues are forgotten once you drive it. This car. Wow. Somehow beating my enormous expectations. Finally did my first "launch" today. OMG.
Yes, and Elon was able to incentivize me to place my order for the 3MR. Financially, it turns out NOT to be the best "bang for the buck" in the Tesla range of cars. Am I sorry about my purchase? NOT IN THE LEAST! Like that restaurant special, I got exactly what I wanted and still enjoying it. I could have ordered the hamburger on the menu (model 3SR) but instead I got the daily special on the menu, filet mignon (model 3MR), and it is worth the extra money.
Driving the model 3 is addictive. If you try to explain what driving the model 3 is like on this forum, many dismiss you as a "fanboy" and drinking "Kool-aid." But 90+% of owners have the same reaction you do. Driving the model 3 is pure joy. Mark have you taken your car into the mountains and driven the "twisties"? Take a change of underwear with you! And then there is the freedom of never visiting a gas station again and waking up to a full tank of "fuel" every morning. PURE JOY! We drove the car 150+ miles yesterday to celebrate birthdays with family. (Some lucky person was gifted a Beverly Hills Car Cover for their model 3 ) We filled it up to 99% right before we left and returned home with 41% left in record time for this itinerary - in Californation we have courtesy use of HOV and Fast Trak lanes. We flew by the stop and go traffic on the Los Angeles freeways. We didn't have to stop for 30 minutes at Costco's impacted gas stations. I hear gasoline went up 15 cents a gallon the last couple of days? News to me, We were in our spaceship driving on autopilot. PURE JOY!
A) You don't know you are buying a vehicle with flaws. Well, ok, all vehicles have some flaws. In our family's case, the first vehicle had one slight quirk, the second was visually flawless. B) Inconsequential flaws, if they exist, are easily made up by not having as big a flaw of causing harm to children, and the public in general.
my prius has flaws, just not enough to trade for a vehicle with different flaws entune is a HUGE flaw, the rear bumper gaps are whacked, the seats are uncomfortable, the nightlines are horrible, the egr is a time bomb, the head gasket may fail early, the brake actuator could go, the plastic underbody is a nightmare, but the mpg's are fantastic!
After driving the M3 for ~8 months and driving nothing else in the last 4-5 months, I had to get gas in the PIP this past weekend. It has been 6-8 months since I've been to a gas station. Everything in the M3 is so simple and/or automatic that you forget how to drive an old-style car. I got out to get gas and realized I forgot to "turn the car off." I forgot to set the parking brake. Then I had to reach back in to tap the button to open the gas cover. Then when I got back home I walked away and forgot to lock the car. And the seats were so hard and uncomfortable. For those not familiar with the M3: - when you put it into park, and get out, the car shuts off automatically. Technically, if you forget putting it in park it does this for you and warns you on the screen - parking brake is all automatic - you can open the charging port from the touch panel or by touching the tail light or with the supercharger cord and from the phone app - the car auto locks when you walk away with your Bluetooth phone (can also use the keycard) - the seats are quite comfortable. I had always thought the Prius seats were nice...not after months of the Tesla seats Mike
My experience: Feb 28 - ordered a Standard Range Model 3, metallic blue, and basic autopilot. Mar 10 - "Delivery checkout reminder from Tesla - please complete all outstanding tasks in your delivery profile at populate any lienholder information and accept trade-in offer, upload proof of auto insurance, and upload driver's license." Mar 13 - "Hello Robert, Please confirm if you are planning on paying for the vehicle in cash? To be clear you are not planning on financing the vehicle correct? Also your Trade in offer came in at $18,300 will you be accepting that offer." . . . "Can i just get the exact dollar amount you are planning on borrowing so we can ensure everything on your account is complete." . . . "Are you taking delivery of your Vehicle in California sir or Alabama? My system is showing CA" Mar 14 - ". . . which amount are you going to do ? We have to fill out your profile with that information in order for us to draw up contracts." . . . "There is no benefit to picking up the vehicle in CA" Expecting to finance $23,400. Mar 22 - "Your Model 3 is tentatively scheduled to be delivered to your address on 3/29 between 4 PM-6 PM. Prior to delivery, please complete and submit your delivery profile at" Also, received an unexpected phone call from Tesla Store at Bentwood, TN, that they have the next trim up, Standard Range Plus Model 3. Hummm. Mar 24 - "Our apologies, we will need to reschedule your delivery appointment to a later date..A Tesla representative will reach out when we have a better estimate of your delivery timing." Mar 25 - Called Tesla Store in Brentwood TN and was soon transferred to their delivery specialists. By the end of the day, I have the "Plus" trim and a check from the bank for $21,905 for the car. Lesson learned, this was a good week to talk with the nearest Tesla Store. The Standard Range Plus Model 3, next trim up, with a lower finance loan, $21,904. The trim advantages: 240 mi range versus original 220 mi range electric adjustable seats, nicer covers better audio system Bob Wilson
that's nothing. Think how inexcusable it is/was for people buying the six-figure model S or X. But if you bought a Model S or X or 3, it's only inexcusable if it's inexcusable to you, the buyer. That's the thing. You get a car that might have fit-and-finish issues, but it has a charging Network that isn't even comprable to the others. What's more inexcusable, no willingness to invest in infrastructure, or fit and finish. The buyer decides w/ their checkbook - no one else .... That's why, the bottom line is right now Tesla is the only game in town, and their infrastructure has a ½ decade lead on the next closest manufacturing slob trying to catch up .
WOW! that was fast. It pays to be in the right place at the right time. Are they still going to give home delivery? What day will you take delivery? Welcome to the Tesla family.
Inventory car at a discount? I called my local Tesla store earlier today, left a message but did not hear anything back. Tried calling them again and still goes to voicemail.
Seconds after I posted this, Tesla called me back and said the model 3 SR will not be available now till May or June . My option was to get an SR+ and to take delivery at the same time or earlier as was promised with the SR order. I’m a sucker and took the bait. So looks like I will have a vehicle in the next few days.