Quick question...is there a good 12V source near the trunk area to run compressors/controller or should I just run a dedicated line from the battery under the hood? What have you "air" people done for this?
Have you looked under the hood yet to see if there is a battery there? (Your profile says you have a Gen 3.)
The Gen 3 Prius' battery is in the trunk, by the right tail light. Remove your hidden storage and the panel on the right to see it. If you prefer from the engine bay, there's a direct cable from the battery to the front inside the fuse box, under a black cover.
I "assumed" the battery was under the hood...actually glad it's in the truck, that makes it that much easier! Guess I haven't really looked ...Thanks!!!
Tires, blow gun (tree gunk out of window channels, grot underhood, etc.), impact wrench, air hammer, venturi vacuum, the usual stuff. No horns. I did buy the refurbished Viair from an online seller of horns, but I didn't buy their horns. I can do more stuff with tools than with horns. I don't think my setup would sound a horn very well. I think the horns take very high air flow for short bursts; the skinny spots in my lines would have too much pressure drop for that.
With the airflow restrictions in my setup, they'd sound like a drunken guy with no embouchure blowing into a tuba.