We have a couple of times recently when to charge port door would not open. If push the door maybe 10, it still won't open. Come back a few minutes later and it works. This is either a recent problem or it is getting worse, not sure. Anyone else have this? Any ideas would be appreciated.
This assumes the door is not locked. In that case, the door doesn't actually latch. It's a simple mechanism. The long button with the rubber boot latches in the retracted position when you close the door. Then, when you push the door in to open it, it's supposed to release and extend to push the door open. If it doesn't release, you can still hook your thumbnail behind the door and pull it open. Apparently something is binding behind that rubber boot. Hopefully, it's not too hard to get that boot off and investigate. If the door is locked, that's different. If the car doors are locked, so is the charging port door. You'll need to have your fob with you.
I think that we may have had the doors locked. We had to park outside the garage for a week, which is the first time for that. Thanks! Still learning.