The navigation system on my 2017 Prius shows a half-arrow type of symbol along roads. This arrow points in the direction of travel on that road. There may be pairs across from each other or not and the frequency may be many or just a few. I've attached a photo of my map displayed while driving near my home and you can see these half-arrow symbols along the roads - look just south of where my current location is marked. We thought the symbols were an indication of traffic density but this doesn't fit reality as we are driving along. We also thought they might show culverts or bridges on the road but again, we can't match them to road features. Anyone have any ideas what these half-arrows along the roads mean on the map display? Thanks! Dave
The color indicates traffic congestion like with Google maps and I assume the arrows represent traffic direction. It's on page 220 of the 11.6" display manual (OM47D75U.pdf)
The green and yellow arrows in your screenshot indicate traffic flow (not density). It may not always be accurate but at least it gives you an indication. And I know you didn't ask, but the dots in the middle of the road is your "cookie crumb" feature that you somehow turned on. This allows you to backtrack if you need to (e.g. travelling on a road where navigation doesn't have guidance or road mapped... like a forestry road or off-road... remember this nav is also used in the 4Runner)
Thanks, all, for the replies! The fact that the arrows indicate traffic flow is kinda odd since if I'm driving, I will know which direction that traffic flows. I'll check what my settings are for the 'cookie crumbs' and traffic flow arrows. I didn't notice the 'cookie crumbs' until after an Entune and in-car software update a few months ago. Thanks!
I thought the half arrows indicated predictive traffic congestion, vs actual reported traffic congestion. Thanks for the clarification
Sorry. Traffic flow as in rate of vehicles, not direction haha. So it goes from green to yellow to red. Red indicates “stop and go” traffic per the nav threshold. Green just means traffic is flowing smoothly and I guess close to the speed limit. Data comes through HD radio traffic. I believe predictive traffic (if we have it equipped) shows up if you have a My Routes set up and you want to see the traffic along a saved route. You can see current and predictive traffic in 15 min intervals.