I am having trouble locating oil drain plug on my 2015 Prius c have watched several videos and it appears to be just by the front cross member but mine is not there have found the oil filter but not the drain plug I know it sounds crazy but I just cant find it Thanks
Can you post this again so that I can give you another like?! My 2012 Saturn SC2 was a monster to change the oil... they put the oil filter directly above the frame, so whenever you would change the oil, it would splash everywhere. I quit doing the oil at that time... seeing how easy this is, I may go back to it again.
I haven't done ours yet (still on the free service program) but it won't be long before I need to work this out for mine. From the video it looks dead easy relative to our other cars. Looks like the drain plug faces the right front wheel. Nice and accessible.
The Priuses are pretty comfortable in this plan ... at least my husband says so to me. And yet I prefer to give it to those serviced when questions arise.
ok found it I live off grid in Arizona high desert and we recenty we had lots of snow and rain so went through lots of mud after watching video again I realised that the drain pug was covered in about 3" of hard compacted mud as was the rest of the underneath anyway chipped off all the crud/mud and there it was so changed oil and filter and all is good apologies for seemingly stupid question Thanks all for help