need info on height measurements see the photo this guy tried to claim i hit him but I pretty sure my bumper is not even close to that spot then he changed his story and said the side of my tahoe hit him there is clearly no marks on my car not even superficial scratch/dent.. Not even the dirt was disturbed on my car... his has compression damage and not a scape as expected I have this photo from the 10th and clearly has no new damage on my car first photo from 10th and second is from of the incident .... this is his type of car if someone can tell me the height of the location marked in red could dis prove his theory I'm pretty sure it would have crushed his tail light as well... which there was no damage to it.. i think he was trying to set me up since he was waiting in his car for me to back out at the same time as him.. to pin it on me.. if I would have hit him my bumper would have hit first as there is no damage to my tail lamps which is almost the same height as where he claimed It got hit
Thanks yeah it would have hit the corner of the bumper and crushed my corner and crushed his tail lamp as soon I said lets check the camera he wanted to go after I said that.. that LOL that is how you know that old guy was a insurance scammer.. I have no camera good thing he did not call my bluff