My friends Prius is showing these signs. You guys might a clue of what could be? Will try to get codes for it when I can. 266k miles it was working fine until 4 months ago when it got that. Been sitting on his driveway ever since
You can’t really tell from a picture what the problem is. You need to pull the codes with a Toyota capable scanner, not a generic OBD2 scanner.
Do you have any suggestions for such a scanner? I was about to get a mid-priced generic one when I saw this. -Graeme- 2004 Prius with >190,000 miles. Sent ?.
Graeme, Do not get a mid-priced generic reader. Get these things, -cheap Android phone/tablet that can access wifi ($15-$50) -Torque Pro app ($6) - ELM 327 Bluetooth OBDII adaptor ($10-40) These will help you read and clear codes as well as check some of the hybrid specific info like HV Battery levels. I work on hybrids for a living and you can always give me a call for direct advice to get this car back on the road. 608-729-4082 Let's save this Prius!
Update It wasn’t the battery, some engine thing forgot what it was but the Prius is up and running again after a stop at repair shop ( Atomic Auto in Portland,OR)
Thanks for the update. More detail would have been nice just to bring closure. Bit maybe you can find and post another time. I still highly suggest getting diagnostic tools if he wants to see some of the data himself.
He will be bringing the the Prius over my place next week where I have a decent scanner that should work, for now the shop mentioned P0420 is showing up as well. This is odd, the car just passed emission tests a some months ago