Hi guys ,what torque on the wrench to tighten spark plugs on a gen 3 ? Which is the correct setting? Is this correct?Not using any antiseaze . Thanks Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Is the setting correct in the wrench? Just wanna make sure ...First time using it. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Only caveat is that looks like it might be 1/2" drive wrench and spark plug sockets are 3/8 drive. But if it has the proper range of torque it should be fine.
It's best to use a lighter duty 3/8" (or even 1/4") torque wrench where the torque value isn't way down at the bottom of a long scale. Just lore from Sears hardware department guy: he said torque wrenches tend to be most accurate near the middle of their range. Toyota Repair Manual says 15 ft/lb (assume with dry threads. I'd go 13 ft/lb with a very sparing appllication of anti-seize, just my seat-of-pants guesstimate. The socket size is 9/16" (or 15 mm??) Toyota Repair Manual in it's wisdom, has one section on the spark plug inspection, and way across the other side of the book on the subject of valve cover, tells the spark plug torque spec:
Thanks for the manuals! I've got the same situation. I purchased Tekton 24335 (10-150 ft.-lb.) that I use for a wheel lug nuts. TEKTON 1/2 Inch Drive Click Torque Wrench (10-150 ft.-lb.) | 24335 I know that torque wrenches are most accurate in the middle of their range but do I really need another tool for spark plugs? I would believe that Tekton is pretty accurate. Anyway, I can't see anything in their range that would be perfect: TEKTON® Torque Wrenches | Free Shipping If I would go for a smaller (20-200 in.-lb.) TEKTON 1/4 Inch Drive Click Torque Wrench (20-200 in.-lb.) | 24320 then 15 ft.-lb. will be in the top end of the scale. Any suggestions? Thanks.
I think you'd be fine with either a 3/8" or 1/4" torque wrench. I've got a 1/4" made-in-china (Titan 23146) picked up locally, that goes 20~240 inch pounds (1.7~20 foot pounds), and a 3/8" 5~80 foot pound, assume also made in China, with a sticker saying QCok, which I'm not quite if it's a brand name or stands for Quality Control. Also have a 1/2" with 10~150 foot pound range, which I've have for about 40 years now. The 1/4" and 3/8" were both acquired in the last few years. None of them cost more than $30. I will probably go with the 3/8" next time, for spark plugs.
Then reducer set comes handy I believe Pittsburgh is a good brand but the wrench you linked to has a quite few poor reviews. Given the price, still worth checking. Unfortunately, not available in the UK Shipping is most of the time a deal breaker (when the item is bulky or heavy).
What about those who didn’t have a dad growing up? Or those children in same sex marriage that had 2 moms? Certain political party will not be happy about that question haha
My dad wasn't much into car maintenance, fix up, that I can recall. Just took it into the (VW) dealership for servicing. I got to wash'n wax it a lot.
My dad didn’t really pass on manly advice such as life lessons, tales when he was younger, things to lookout for in life to me, so a lot of things I learned on my own. He was around but we were like pets to him, wish he would have ask me if I wanted to help turn some wrenches. We just can’t have it all if ya know what I mean.
Take it easy here Grit. It was just a simple question based on the depth and apparent love you guys show in your precision dealing with such simple things such as spark-plug torque. I got my love of cars working on simple repairs with my dad when I was a kid. In my 50+ years of working on cars I've never seen anyone concerned with the torque for putting in spark-plugs. For my experience it's always been hand-tite plus a quarter turn. That includes all types of dragsters, stock-cars and Indy-cars. Hand-tite ... quarter turn. But hey ... that's just me. Whatever makes you happy is good-to-go.
My metric Proxxon 23286 set contains 16mm and 21mm spark plugs sockets, both 1/2 drive. I own Tekton 24335 (10-150 ft.-lb.) that is too long for many jobs (18.5 in.) Would Teng Tools 3892AG-E3 (15-75 ft.-lb) be a good 3/8'' company to supplement it or should I go with Tekton 24330 (10-80 ft.-lb) for those tighter places? I want it for brake calipers, oil filter and plug, trans drain plug, spark plugs... Or shall I go for a cheap, TackLife one?
I went for Teng Tools 3892AG-E3 eventually and discovered that my 1/2 socket set does not contain 14 mm spark plug socket needed. Would socket and extension (which one: 75, 150, 200 mm?) PROXXON - 3/8'' (10mm) Sockets and connecting pieces do the job or would I be better with OEMTOOLS 22813 or Magnetic Neiko 02292A 3/8 Inch? Thanks.