First off just want to say thank you for having this forum. I'm a long time reader and it enabled me to pick up a 2013 Prius III for a steal of a deal. She has 120k on the clock so I thought I would start off right and do a engine oil & Transmission oil change. The oil change went fine, but when I removed the drain plug I had what looked like purple transmission fluid coming out. Picture below. Is this normal, does Toyato use PURPLE trans fluid. I've always seen RED since I was a kid. Someone needs to tell me everything is going to be okay and there will be cake. Could this be the royal purple oil that someone put in the car?
Just refill with the car level, till it starts coming out. And use the Toyota ATF WS. A funnel with about 3 foot of hose, (OD 1/2" or less IIRC, to fit the fill hole) from above is simple. If you get 4 quarts you'll have enough, should take around 3.5~3.8. The attached might be of help, mainly for torque values. Don't bother to recheck level after test drive; it's a big effort, and the level doesn't change.