So, I am sure a lot of you have noticed this at the bottom of the PC Web site -- for what -- more than a year.... Danny must be getting thirsty.... Buy us a beer! Premium memberships & other ways to support PriusChat will be available very soon. Thank you for your support. Coming soon!
It’s been there at least 3 years. He’s just been waiting for @bisco to take the long way one time and stop in Charlotte for the payment . Since that hasn’t happen to date, once it does maybe we’ll all be in luck . Maybe that’ll deter from the podcast postings.
I'm still waiting for DanTheMan to reply to an inquiry about something in YeOldePriusChatteShoppe I asked a couple of years ago! I'm sure DannyBoy (gedditt? - look at today's date, dudes! ) is v. busy!
Well, I have to say -- three years??? Time flies on PC...... I remember questions I flung at DannyBoy (yes, I did get that) back several years ago -- I wasn't very nice and I assumed I would immediately be banned -- but he never replied to me either.....
He might still be on his southern swoon. But if he’s back in the frozen north, that’d be a fitting activity .
plenty of wearin' of the green down here too. i stay well away from boston on this day, you never know what might flare up. the next war is less likely between the states than it is between the boston firefighters and the lgbtq community in the parade
Hey, nobody has bought me a beer YET -- and I posted this a month ago -- Town is 10 miles away -- I can't drive and hubby says beer is NOT on my list of approved supplements. I may have to tottle through the rain to the garden shed where I believe I stashed a six-pack of Anchor Steam last summer....or was that a six-pack of Miracle-Grow.....
Amazing! I just bought myself a 6-pack of Anchor Steam yesterday. Are they still making Henry Weinhard's out on the west coast?
Within an hour of me, America's oldest brewery. Always have some of this in my fridge to wash down the hot wings.
Henry's is still pretty popular -- esp. their "blackberry beer" __YUCK. I buy Henry's when my relatives visit. My dad loved Anchor Steam/// it's a tad pricey and a bit hard to get in Oregon, so I tend to save it for those "certain nights" when I feel nostalgic -- which is why I am almost certain I hid some last summer when a pack of my husband's friends and relatives descended on the farm one weekend last August. But -- if I did stash a pack, the shed is several hundred yards away and my golden retrievers have pretty much proved themselves worthless at fetching gold, not to mention beer.
I’ve got 4 anchor steams chillin in the fridge . Beer is bought for your next trip down to the Bay Area .
I’ve done the tour there. Never would have guessed it was buried in central Pottsville amongst all of the old buildings on the hills . I always buy a 6 pack when I return to the parents place in North east PA.